Xbox One vs. PlayStation 4

Pre-E3 fight, Microsoft vs. Sony

By Grayshadow, Posted 29 May 2013

With the next-generation of consoles releasing soon the internet is flaring with comments criticizing and praising both Microsoft and Sony for their new devices. In addition new rumors are constantly surfacing about unseen services and designs that have consumers in an uproar without confirmation from the company itself about both the PS4 and Xbox One. But if you look at what is certain about each of these new systems instead of what is speculated than you’re left with 2 amazing machines. Although each of them tailors to a specific taste both offer new advancements in how we will play games in the future. 

So let’s start with the most recent conference, Microsoft’s presentation. It’s clear that this is only half of Microsoft’s conference was focused solely on the new hardware and the later half, which will come at E3, will feature the games. For now we know about the Xbox One, its core functions such as Kinect and Snap Microsoft has taken bold steps by focusing on entertainment instead of gaming by providing TV integration, new ESPN functions, and a new feature known as Snap that allows users to change applications, without stopping the previous one, by simply speaking to the new Kinect. We did get to see Remedy Studios new exclusive Quantum Break, Forza Motorsport 5 from Turn 10 Studios, and the world premiere of Call of Duty: Ghosts but these were simple teases.

Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Microsoft, Sony

Sony was the first to show their conference and become the hottest topic throughout the internet. On February 20th Sony didn’t show the console, instead we were delighted to a series of games and new tools that made the PS4 tailor to gamers needs first. They showcased titles like inFamous: Second Son, The Witness, and Watch Dogs as well as the new online network that will integrate social activities and gaming into one medium. We did get to see the new DualShock 4 controller and glimpses of the power of the PS4’s new motion support system. But without the PS4 on stage, like the Xbox One, showcasing its power in real time it’s hard to determine if it’ll live up to everything Sony conveyed.

However what truly made Microsoft outshine Sony’s conference was that within 10 minutes they showed the Xbox One. We did get a blurred video showcasing the PS4 to assume what it will look like but we won’t know until E3. Simply knowing what the console looks like allows the consumer to ensure that the new functions being used is coming from the system in front of them doesn’t give the viewer a chance to dispute that what is shown is a fallacy.

As great as the system looks, what equally matters is the controller you’re going to use. Microsoft’s Xbox 360 controller is the best gamepad available today and improving on that model isn’t easy. Microsoft succeeded by making the Xbox One controller scheme with a integrate the battery, added more grip to the thumpsticks, an improved directional pad, and feedback controlled triggers that allow developers to determine how to alter the sensitivity of the trigger buttons. Also gone are the Start and Back buttons, replaced with the Menu and View. These allow for context-specific menus that allow applications and game developers to create a individual screen for their product. Personally I wasn’t thrill about the wider shoulder bumpers but it’s the same design, with some improvements. 

Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Microsoft, Sony

The DualShock 4 utilizes that same concept from the DualShock 3 such as the face buttons and parallel analog sticks. The analog sticks have been remodeled with a layer to place your thumps inside instead of the oval shape. The triggers have been refined to accommodate those who didn’t like the deep triggers from the previous model. Also added was a touch pad and new share button to showcase your gameplay to others. It’s hard to doubt the legacy of this controller scheme and although the new model looks more expensive than the DualShock 3 I’m glad that they decided to change the triggers and analog sticks.

Now let’s talk about the hardware itself. Both systems support a Blu-ray optical drive, USB 3.0, Game DVR, cloud storage, motion controls, achievement/trophy transfer, and HDMI. While both the PS4 and Xbox One support 8GB Ram the PS4 supports the GDDR5 while the Xbox One has the DDR3, basically the GDDR5 is used for transferring larger amounts data and the DDR3 is better for smaller amounts of information. The PS4 comes with a built in 80.211 b/g/n WiFi and Bluetooth 2.1 while the Xbox One will have a Gigabit Ethernet WiFi.

Both systems can be linked to a second screen. For the PS4 users can connect their PS Vita for remote play, the PS4 acting as the server and the Vita as the client. Microsoft will also consumers to use their Windows Phone 8, Android, or iOS phone or tablet to control their Xbox One using SmartGlass. Ultimately it’s a matter of preference whether you enjoy the SmartGlass interface or own a PS Vita, but both are great additions that have been shown to function with each system.

Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Microsoft, Sony

Motion controls are going to be standard in both the PS4 and Xbox One. The PS4’s DualShock 4 will have built in move support and work with the PS4 Eye, Sony’s motion camera. The PS4 Eye is designed with optical sensor and 2 1280x800 cameras, 4 microphones and an 85-degree field of view. The Eye is said to have facial recognition, player positioning and depth sensing and enhanced.  

It’s no doubt that the new Kinect was the highlight of Microsoft’s press conference. With a 1080 HD RGB camera, 30 FPS, Time of flight technology, and an improved microphone. During the press conference Yusuf Mehdi showcased the Snap functionality using Kinect’s new microphone and precision movement controls.

So who do I think will win, well I can’t give you my opinion until E3. At one hand Sony’s press conference were heavily tailored towards gamers but they didn’t show the console so I’m skeptical. Microsoft gave us the Xbox One and highlighted the core functions of the system, although the system is focused on providing entertainment for everyone using applications that I already have and may require an Xbox Gold subscription to use. Both have their flaws and successes, ultimately the battle will continue at E3 and end at the end of the fiscal year when everything has been tallied.

Adam Siddiqui, NoobFeed
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  • Personally, i am inclined to agree with you on alot of things. However, i will disagree with your disappointment on Sony not showcasing the PS4. Lets be truthful here. E3 is all about showing off your new toys. It would take ALOT from your E3 conference if everyone already knows what your product will look like and already know how it operates. What they did, having a conference for their customers instead of a conference for their partners (the game devs) was the best choice. specially with all the rumors that have been going around for over a year about both consoles not being backwards and the whole thing about not accepting copies. Sony decided to calm their fans, and tease them so that when E3 came, they will be blown away. They are THAT confident. E3 for them is going to be about the games and the system. they wont have to divide their time telling their loyal fans and customers what they will get because they already covered that in the last conference. MS on the other hand...basically did a pre E3 conference and will just continue at E3 (while hopefully dislodging any and all rumors)

    IMO, Sony has the extreme upper hand here. Not only have they pleased most if not all of their customers, but they have also left a tremendous element of surprise for their system and what else it offers. Making a conference about PSN and the consumers was a very bold and intelligent move on their end.
    Posted May 29, 2013

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