GOTY 2011 Shooter

Welcome to our annual Game of the Year awards brought to you by the team at NoobFeed.

By fishdalf, Posted 06 Jan 2012

GOTY 2011, Shooter, Best Sport Game, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Warhammer 40000: Space Marine

We arrive at what has always been and I imagine always will be the most beloved, and in terms of awards, the most competitive genre. From the crumbling alien-infested cityscape of New York City, to the rescuing of Paris, France from a hell-bent Russian army, there has been plenty to see, do and shoot in this years offerings, and you have in abundance. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 alone has gone on to break almost every sales record in the book, showing that the shooter genre above all others leads the way in a rapidly growing commercial sector.

GOTY 2011, Shooter, Best Sport Game, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Warhammer 40000: Space Marine

Battlefield 3  (PS3, 360, PC, iOS)
EA’s answer to Call of Duty and they’ve made one mighty attempt with a multiplayer that is both rich and rewarding from a solo and team play perspective. It may not have the destructive environments of the scale that it once did, but to make a game that felt so tight and graphically on par it was a necessary drawback that duly paid off.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3  (PS3, 360, PC, Wii)
While the game has come in for much criticism of late for being a little too similar to Black Ops and the first two Modern Warfare titles, with the same ol’ short-lived campaign and all. There’s absolutely no denying the charm and compulsive nature of its gameplay that keeps bringing people back for more, in both its single player and its world-renowned multiplayer.

Crysis 2  (PS3, 360, PC)
It may not be quite as open a world as Crysis and Crysis Warhead, but it still transcends its rivals in this department by some distance. There’s something oddly liberating about patrolling the streets of a crumbling New York City, dealing out damage to other-worldlies in some of the most intense and satisfying action experiences one can have with a controller.

Killzone 3  (PS3)
Guerrilla Games have produced one of the most polished, visually pleasing games of all time in Killzone 3, and with added 3D and Move capabilities makes it – with the right multimedia set-up – an eye-opening spectacle of epic proportions. It may not be quite there in its multiplayer, but the campaign packs such an atmospheric punch that it’s hard to care.

Warhammer 40000: Space Marine  (PS3, 360, PC)
Space Marine is as much hack-and-slash as it is shooter, but it combines both elements surprisingly well. Dispatching the multitude of varying enemies the Warhammer fantasy universe serves up is enthralling and makes for a nice accompaniment to what is a well-paced story.

GOTY 2011, Shooter, Best Sport Game, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Warhammer 40000: Space Marine

GOTY 2011, Shooter, Best Sport Game, Battlefield 3, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, Crysis 2, Killzone 3, Warhammer 40000: Space Marine

You could easily label our team as sell-outs for voting for Modern Warfare 3 as the best shooter of 2011, or that we’ve jumped on the ‘quicker than Avatar to one-billion’ bandwagon, but the truth of the matter is it’s a damn good game. The campaign may be short, but in an industry that demands yearly or bi-yearly titles from major series’ you’re naturally going get shortened single player elements. The campaign is polished and a great playthrough from start to finish, the Spec Ops survival and mission modes will hold your attention for a long while after, and the multiplayer, with the various perk and killstreak packages, has enough depth to allow players to express themselves with their very own all-action custom classes. They say ‘familiarity breeds contempt’, but we prefer the saying ‘home is where the heart is,’ and we’ve allowed our hearts to rule in this instance.

Best Sport Game

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  • Each year MW wins this category at ease but not this year. BF3 and Killzone3 gave MW3 tough times, but it's finally the right decision made by the selectors.

    Posted Jan 06, 2012

  • Great shooters this year, I'm glad I played a couple of them. :)

    Posted Jan 06, 2012

  • this year hasnt been much of a shooter year for fact out of all of those, the one i really wanted to play was Killzone 3...but i have no PS3 and my friends dont like shooters -_-

    Posted Jan 07, 2012

  • Ahaha, aw I guessed the winner before I even clicked onto this page, how sad I am.

    Posted Jan 07, 2012

  • "The campaign may be short, but in an industry that demands yearly or bi-yearly titles from major series’ you’re naturally going get shortened single player elements". See, this is what's wrong with the argumentation for this choice. Whether something is a good game or not in the eyes of a gamer is completely independent from what the industry demands or the circumstances of development. To name an extreme example: one could say it's impressive that some Russian studio managed to crap out Big Rigs with virtually no budget, but that doesn't turn it into a better game.

    No matter which way you look at it, MW3 is a rehash that even fails to live up to the quality of the games it was copied+pasted from. That this is the inevitable result of Activision's demand of an annual release is Activision's problem, not ours. True, it has been a particularly weak year for first person shooters (especially in comparison to last year), but to give this game an award sends out a very bad signal to where this industry is going.

    Posted Jan 07, 2012

  • I disagree and believe that BF3 should have won. A little surprised that Uncharted 3 or Gears of War 3 weren't nominated with this catagory. 

    Posted Jan 07, 2012

  • Arrrrghhh, predictable :P

    Posted Jan 09, 2012

  • @Degtyarev I was expecting you'd be saying something like this. So if not MW3, who wins this category in your opinion?

    Posted Jan 09, 2012

  • To me this is the only category I disagree. As my professor sums the game up: A map pack upgrade and thats it.

    Battlefield 3 should have won this time, because I have never seen a game that runs so fluid in multiplayer sessions and the game doesnt even tone down graphics or anything else unlike COD. Not to mention this game hooked me up for a long time.

    Posted Jan 12, 2012

  • @Amaya Well, first and foremost, I don't think any shooter (out of those I've played) fully deserved it in 2011. When I compare it to 2010, when we had a new Stalker, Arma 2: Operation Arrowhead, Metro 2033 and BioShock 2, 2011 just seems meager. I'd say Crysis 2, while inferior to the other games in the series, deserves it most despite its uninspired multiplayer. The single player was a generally well-paced, well-directed linear experience with varied gameplay and a good bit of excitement. If we also were to count re-releases/collections, though, I'd hand out the award to Arma X in a heartbeat. That boxset may be the single best addition to my gaming library this gen. The games were released over a timespan of 10 years, though (hence the title),  so that may not be completely fair.

    Posted Jan 13, 2012

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