No, im not dead.

By serbsta, Posted 21 Jul 2009

I'm still here, although barely as frequently as i used to visit. I won't beat around the bush, i'm just in overload with study and assignments, i've placed too much priority on it to slack off now. Will be back, fully active, once i get all of this mess sorted.



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  • avatar RON

    Once your level progress bar stops working, we’ll consider you dead. lol. Good luck with your study :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Hope you get everything sorted out soon.And good luck with your study and assignments.Smile

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • agree with ron; we didn't think you're dead ! so, be alive & good luck !

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Good to see you around every once in a while. BTW what are you styding?

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Nice to hear that your still around.  Good luck with finishing your assignments.

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • You aren't dead. You just don't write blogs too often. Everyone at the forum knows that you visit us everyday :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Hey.  I'm going to make an attempt to be around here more again.  :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • ^ Happy to hear that :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Glad you're still here. :)

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • LOL at RON. :P


    I know you'll be back sooner or later, but studies are also very important. Good luck!

    Posted Jul 21, 2009
  • Good to see you around too Dragan, we all have our ups and downs in terms of free time, no worries.

    Posted Jul 23, 2009
  • Nice to see you around serbsta :)

    Posted Jul 25, 2009

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