NoobFeed Intro Blog

By twenty0ne, Posted 27 Jun 2009

I guess now that I'm officially "on" NoobFeed, I should write a blog. Here it goes:


First, I should introduce myself. I'm twenty0ne (here and on Giant Bomb), also known as msudude211 from Gamespot. No, I'm not banned there or anything - it's just good to branch out every once in awhile, try some new places. I can't say I'll be on NoobFeed more than on Gamespot, but I'll definitely be checking the site and posting daily. I like the community here - I figure I already know 75% of you from Gamespot or other gaming forums.




Do I look familiar?


Anyway, I have an Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii, so I guess you could say I'm an avid gamer. I'm a big fan of first-person shooters and western role-playing games (aka Mass Effect, Fallout). Besides the current generation of consoles, I have a PS1, Xbox, Gamecube, N64, Genesis, and a bunch of Gameboys. I play soccer (football), and as you can tell, I like the number 21. Last but not least, I'm a big energy drink drinker, so if you need some opinions on different brands, let me know - I'd be happy to help.


I think that's about it for now. I'll upload some of my reviews in the coming days, but until then, see everyone in the forums.

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  • Let me be the first to comment in your first NF blog. Welcome twenty0ne! I know for a while and I also know what you can do here. Looking forward to your contribuitions. I guess you got tired of GS like myself and I think you made a good decision in joining. See you on the boards!

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • Thanks Canana. I think you win a cookie. Tongue out

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • Also, let's start by building those stats!

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • I know, they're pretty pitiful right now.

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • Welcome twenty0ne.I never used any other gaming sites,so,this is the first time um seeing u.Hope you have a great time here.NoobFeed is like family.Smile

    btw I really hate Energy Drinks.Tongue out

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • Haha. Welcome my friend. :)

    Posted Jun 27, 2009
  • is that you msdude:o

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • Yes it's me. Surprised

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • Welcome to NoobFeed twentyone :) Plenty of consoles you own there :o Enjoy gaming and your staying here :)

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • I WANT THE COOKIE!!!!!!!!!!!

    also welcome MSU, I have a giantbomb too but whenever I try and use it I get trolled half to death, and the site glitches my comp.

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • welcome !!!

    do you like to play 21? i mean that card game !!

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • avatar RON

    Welcome to NoobFeed mate :) It'll be nice to see you visiting us and posting time to time. I'll look forward to read your reviews :)

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • Hey there! Glad to see you on NoobFeed! :D

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • It's canana, why are you always messing with my username? :P

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • I'm very happy to see you around mate :) Enjoy the site :)

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • WOW! Look at that stat? 93807038 messages read :o For how long you've been using GS?

    When I first came to this site, I never thought of staying. And, after few days of posting, I don't think I'll ever be able to leave this site. So every time I see a new user; I really feel delighted. And, now that you are brought here by canana, I'll make sure you never leave us behind :D

    You have all the gaming gadgets? This is really impressive :) You play soccer in real life? Our site is filled with soccer fans leading by Ilias.

    Finally, I'll look forward to read your reviews and look forward to see you on board every day. It's really nice to know about you :)

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • What's the point of having a GS profile in your sig?

    Posted Jun 28, 2009
  • Er... because I use and like the site. 

    Posted Jun 29, 2009
  • avatar RON

    I don't see any problem using that sig :)

    Posted Jun 29, 2009
  • Hiya dude, known you for a good long while over there. =)

    Posted Jul 02, 2009
  • Welcome, I know who you are. :P

    Posted Jul 07, 2009

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