Video games have become more accepted in mainstream culture, and Hollywood can no longer ignore their potential for powerful (and potentially profitable) adaptations into movies and even comic books.

One thing about video game adaptations is you get it or you don't. There is no in-between. However, with qualities like exciting role-play, thrilling action, and thought-provoking storylines, games make excellent source material. Here are our favorite TV series and movies for gamers and non-gamers, whether based on popular video games or central to the plot.

The Last of Us Movie

The Last of Us

Inspired by the game developed by Naughty Dog and Sony, HBO kicked off 2023 by releasing an action series based on the zombie apocalypse hit, The Last of Us. An article broke down the types of zombies you will encounter in the series. It also touches on various ways a person can become infected in the movie. Based on a post-apocalyptic city invaded by zombies, the 10-episode adaptation retells the first game's story while promising surprises. 

The trailer reveals that the thrilling post-apocalyptic vibe is on point. It stars Pedro Pascal as Joel, Bella Ramsey as Ellie, and Craig Mazin, who created HBO's excellent Chernobyl. IGN's article shows that some episodes would deviate significantly from the game's blueprint, which is typical for adaptations.


Uncharted has so much potential. Apart from starring the spiderman star, Tom Holland, who plays the lead adventurer Nathan Drake, it's a beauty in its own right. In addition, Ruben Fleischer, the Zombieland star, flexes his creativity as an apt director.

After years of pushback due to production delays, Uncharted finally hit our screens in 2022. Some scenes are such a spitting image of the game that you'd be tempted to instinctively reach for your PlayStation controller.

Mark Wahlberg plays a passable Sully, but Holland's stunt form and athletic charm (credit to his Spiderman role) - carry the entire film on his shoulders. The father-son brawls and Holland spitting comebacks like he was born for it are fun to watch.

Still, Uncharted is only half as good as it could have been. There are more sides to Tom, and fans hope to see a better plot in the next release, if there is one.

Sonic the Hedgehog Movie

Sonic the Hedgehog (1&2)

Surprisingly, the early reactions to the Sonic the Hedgehog film were not promising. Fans reacted negatively to the initial sneak-peak of the furry blue creature, prompting the filmmakers to return to the digital drawing board. When the film finally hit the screens, Ben Schwartz's enthusiastic voice-over work and Jim Carrey nailing it as Dr. Robotnik won over audiences.

Sonic the Hedgehog 1 gave the 2nd installation big shoes to fill. We hate to say it, but Sonic the Hedgehog 2 is slower and needs more of the wit and charm of the first game. That didn't stop it from being among the highest-grossing video game movies, as reported by Polygon.

Ben Schwartz's gleefully chaotic work as Sonic, combined with a superb Idris Elba as the echidna Knuckles, solidifies Sonic the Hedgehog 2 as one of the better films on this list. Sources say the third installation is already in the works. It was also hinted at the end of Sonic 2.

There are many blockbusters based on video games that we couldn't possibly cover in this list. And there's more to come in 2023. Some buzzing video-game adaptations to look out for are The Super Mario Brothers, Twisted Metal and Fallout.


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General Information

Platform(s): Xbox One, PS4, Switch, PC
Publisher(s): SEGA
Developer(s): Sonic Team
Genres: 3D Platformer
Themes: Action, Adventure, Open World
Release Date: 2022-11-08

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