Happy Anniversary to you, Happy Anniversar?! That ain't right.

A warm congratulations to NoobFeeb, or as I affectionately call it NBFD.

Launched 5 years ago this day.

Since launching, giving power to the little guy, evident in all that you do. Having the composure to continue the fight in an ocean filled with sharks and creatures of the deep. You know who I'm talking about. If you don't, then think of a so called big fish in everything International Entertainment News, yeah them. I kid.

Those are the people that paved the way, those who may have lost their way and forgotten the responsibility to those that come after them.

NBFD have stayed strong and always seem to be moving forward.
As a new member, I already can see the good work you guys are doing, I look forward to seeing how much further you have got, not only 6 months from now but next month or even next week.

I raise a glass and say thank you.

That is all.

xC4Lx aka xCursed4Lifex

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  • I didn't know they had an anniversary. Anyway, it's funny how you've decided to call it NBFD, while NF sounds easier.
    Posted Feb 16, 2014
  • @SnowWhite NF is easier, easier to write too. For me, NBFD, seems to roll off the tongue. : )
    Posted Feb 17, 2014

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