Xbox One is region-locked

By Grayshadow, Posted 27 May 2013

The Xbox One will be region-locked, meaning that all software must match the region that the console was purchased from. Microsoft confirmed this to Digital Trends, and unfortunately means that people who want to import titles from other regions will also need an Xbox One from that area.

A Microsoft spokesperson stated “Similar to the movie and music industry, games must meet country-specific regulatory guidelines before they are cleared for sale” and “We will continue to work with our partners to follow these guidelines with Xbox One.”

Source: Digital Trends

Adam Siddiqui
, NoobFeed
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  • translation: We seriously dont give a damn about whats really wanted from us, but since this will be our last system we will sure as hell make it memorable"
    Posted May 27, 2013
  • Region locked? OMG...
    Posted May 28, 2013

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