New Apartment, Updates

By Dramus, Posted 02 Nov 2012

Joe and Dramus here.... *the crowd roars*.....Thank you thank you! its been a while yes we  know and we are very sorry! but we have been very busy and today we hope to deliver some updates as to whats going on and stuff :D


So Joe and I moved to a new place on a second floor and at least 3 times larger than our old apartment. We is happy :D We got 2 and a half roomies. The half is because he hasnt moved in yet, but he is in and out of the apartment. Speaking of which, we played a pretty mean prank on him last night. he got in at 11:30 at night. we turned off all the lights and he though everyone was asleep. so he hung around in the living room picking up his PSP in the dark. when he passed by the kitchen, my other roomate was there waiting for him in the dark. He started shadowing the guy across the living until he finally turned around and we start screaming with him lol. fun times fun times.


Anyways, ordered ZOE HD...waiting on that. Also preordered Zelda Hyrule Historia :D. Bought some nifty stuff on Steam :D. Got my interwebz installed at my new place 2 days ago and my pc should be returned today and stuff. and a long weekend starting in 3 hours :P

And to finish up, been playing Bayonetta, already abused RE6 Archive Edition. Speaking of which, very very very very very very very very very very very very very very angry with capcom. I preorder my RE6 Archives, only to receive it and find that ALL the lovely extra content that i wanted to play is freaking DLC. instead of putting it on disc they put it up for download. And whats worse, i get a "not available in my region" error when i use my code. So i try to contact capcom and they are beyond unhelpfull. saying BS like "we are working with MS on the problem and we dont have an ETA on it. they have till end of the month before i start going crazy and start doing bad phone calls -_-


Well, this has been Joe and Dramus, signing off!

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  • This is what happens when you preorder games not knowing what'll be there for you. How come Capcom let you order if they knew the DLC wouldn't be available for your region! For now, best you can do is trade it with someone. And one day someone's gonna to prank the hell out of you. A return for what you've been doing to innocent people around you ;P

    Posted Nov 09, 2012

  • Well, they dont really let you check about region and stuff. freaking bastards. They say they are working with MS and Sony on that. been a month already -_-

    Cant do much trading down here. :/

    Posted Nov 12, 2012

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