So like your zombies games? Then the chances are you'll probably love I Will Survive, created by the guys over at Decaying Logic. Fortunately the game is being promoted via Steam Greenlight so it can be viewed by a vast audience. Unfortunately, however, you can't play it (yet). There are currently some hundreds of games which take quite a lot of inspiration from titles of old currently up for rating on Steam Greenlight, and then there's this...

A breath of fresh air, or the foul rotting smell of decomposing corpses? Well get over to Steam and start helping by rating this game, and maybe, just maybe it'll make it to the on-line store.

Steam Community : Steam
Steam Greenlight : I Will Survive 

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  • Was that a zombie cow! lmao. I've played a similar indie but this one looks fun too. 

    Posted Sep 03, 2012

  • @Amaya I was too much like "WHOOOOOAH GORE!!!!!" It's either a cow or a bull, either way wouldn't like to cross ones path if its zombified! 

    Posted Sep 03, 2012
  • Sounds fun. Do you have to play alone or other survivors tag along too?
    Posted Sep 03, 2012

  • @Amaya Single Player/Local Co-op

    Posted Sep 03, 2012

  • During the single player. It's like you find other survivors and you keep them alive by supplying guns and food.

    Posted Sep 04, 2012

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