
By Dramus, Posted 29 Aug 2012

Hiya Peoplez! So after putting Joe through a well deserved punishment (please read earlier blog) I have finally gotten my hands on my new pc. WOOT!!! rejoice world! rejoice! So its a lovely pc which i will be upgrading in a few sectors, namely the video card. Not that there is anything wrong with my Geforce 9400GT...but i do want something thats at least 1gb and not 512 :/. anyways. Since i have no monitor for my PC, i use my TV as my monitor :D and believe me when i say that playing SC2 on a 27inch lcd is nothing short of awesome :D. I also hooked up my xbox to my computer so i can use the media center with it. Not bad is my opinion.


On the games front, Alice Madness returns, and SC2 on my tv computer hybrid. Once i get sick of those im going to hit Bastion on it to see how nice it looks. But i know i wont get to play those for long. I ordered Star Ocean The Last Hope for 360. dont know why i waited so long to get this game but oh well. Also Bayonetta. Played the demo and i realized i must have it. Still have to finish my batman game 100% now that i downloaded all the dlc available for that game. I must say that the revamp of that Tim Drake Robin is beyond superb!


Well, this Dramus signing out for now :D

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  • Joe's blogs are funnier to read :P While he sets himself free, enjoy those games you are playing. How good is Alice Madness Returns?

    Posted Aug 31, 2012

  • @Amaya always has been awesome. problem is, i recently found out that there are extra costumes for her on the 360 version that are ubber awesome. now i might buy it for 360 as well lol. Joe needs to get beat up thats what!

    Posted Sep 01, 2012

  • Costumes are no fun. I wished for more riddler hostage challenges but there were only so few.

    Posted Sep 03, 2012

  • @Amaya yea, arkham city made the riddler quests waaayyyy too easy. I found assylum to be much more of a challenge. Here the map is pretty pinpoint accurate for their locations, in assylum, they gave you a accurate general area and you had to really search :/. but still. that last hostage was quite awesome if i do say so myself.

    Posted Sep 04, 2012

  • There were Riddler quests in Asylum but not rescuing missions. Yes those quests were more fun but still less in number.

    Posted Sep 04, 2012
  • avatar RON
    You play SC2?
    Posted Sep 23, 2012

  • @RON why of course good sir. I am patiently waiting on SC2:Heart of the Swarm :P in fact ill probably preorder and everything :) need to upgrade my video card though. i want a little more power in there

    Posted Sep 25, 2012

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