G'Day G'Day

By sdfc87, Posted 06 Jun 2012

G'Day Noobfeed hope you are all well, Its been almost 6 months since my last blog lol least its better then the last time i updated almost a whole year lol @Amaya commented lol so getting a little better.

Whats been happening since January umm not alot enjoying Melbourne, dated a few girls but they were defintly ALL WRONG for me lol. Been to a AFL game my first ever was enjoyable but hard to follow at times and I was seated behind the goals at one end and if there was play at the other end of the field you could hardly see it so that sucked a tad. Besides that not alot.

Games wise Ive played a few games mostly Aussie sports games like AFL Live, Rugby Challenge and Rugby League live which i have reviewed and posted here. Have played some decent games like sniper Elite V2 that was good goirlin and the X-Ray kill cam is VERY good. L.A. Noire what a game this is brilliant graphics and research gone into this to make it look like LA in the late 1940's and game play is excatly like being a police office brilliant and very enjoyable. I will write another blog about games very shortly for you guys to read.

Sport wise the Manchester United fans will be very upset with rivals Man City winning the EPL what a last day it was QPR nearly did the unthinkable but City won with the last kick of the season WOW!! Chelsea fans congrats on becoming FA Cup and European Champions i actually live in chelsea here in Melbourne so a few chelsea shirts here and there lol.

Thats about all to report at this stage folks i will try to stick around more lol. I notice the forum is undergoing changes? sweet

take care


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  • I've liked Sniper Elite v2 too. Good game but not extraordinary. L.A. Noire is, even though some complained about the game tried too much but didn't execute well. You should talk to @Dramus and take some dating tips since he masters in this matter.

    Posted Jun 12, 2012

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    By JPPT1974, Posted Feb 24, 2013

    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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