XBOX 720

By gamerguy, Posted 26 Feb 2012

New rumors appear on the Xbox 360 successor, and this time collected by the U.S. website IGN from close sources" to the development of the new console from Microsoft.

This time note that the processor of the new console from Microsoft would be on par with an AMD Radeon HD 6670, a chip that supports DirectX 11, Multi-output, 3D and 1080pHD, adding that the system would be six times more powerful than current consoles, and 20% more powerful than Wii U.

The latest rumors pointed to the central chip would have gone into production in December 2011, and in December this year, Microsoft have plans to produce the mass console to launch in fall 2013.

The successor to Xbox 360, popularly known as Xbox 720, Microsoft's new system, after the latest rumors, bet on Blu-Ray as the physical storage system and would include some kind of system to prevent the use of second-hand games, a way to control this market.

These supposedly new information comes from an anonymous source has assured the site Kotaku that Microsoft would include an anti resale in the console, speculating that the games be purchased linked to a specific account of Xbox Live, the style of what happens to Steam. The console also bet on the Blu-Ray DVD instead of the current.

Following the rumor, the serial console also takes a second generation of Kinect, more and more accurate detection of motion than the current device. Also add that the system would be accompanied by a knob smaller than the Xbox 360. 

The prestigious Forbes magazine forward, based on a source from a former employee of AMD, the PlayStation 4 is in development and that would use AMD's graphics technology. The current PlayStation 3 is based on NVIDIA graphics technology, while Xbox 360 has opted for AMD. Both AMD and Sony itself has refused to comment on this information.

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  • You know, i am not overly excited about the next gen systems...i dont know, they soon right now. That and the rumor of anti second hand stuff really puts a dent on my faith of the future of the human race. I dont normally buy used games or hardware...but its not the same for hundreds of thousands of if these rumors are true, shame on MS....if they are false rumors, then shame on the idiots who came up with them.

    Posted Feb 26, 2012

  • I think the next Xbox console is going to be a lot more about motion sensing and home entertainment system. Obviously with more processing power and other tech improvements. Microsoft has been pushing their limits under TV networks  and heavily promoting Kinect. Some might be expecting that a handheld might just pop out from the sleeves of MS, but I don't think that's going to happen. 

    Posted Feb 28, 2012

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