Yes i have returned to this lovly land known as Noobfeed (no have not forgotten bout you's all here) hope u not forgotten me. Yep as the title states ive recently returned from the Middle East and now living/station down in Melbourne (home of the MCG for you cricket buffs)

Not sure how long i be on the site im amazed i remeber the log in but i think i be here for a while at least hopefully

comments powered by Disqus

  • Your last blog "Scotty is back from Afghanista, 20 Jan 2011" was all most an year ago.  Welcome back Scotty.

    Posted Jan 05, 2012

  • welcome back...again? :P

    Posted Jan 05, 2012

  • Finally you are back!!! Welcome welcome!!!!

    Posted Jan 12, 2012

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    New Website!

    By JPPT1974, Posted Feb 24, 2013

    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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