I'm alive.........are you?

By King, Posted 09 Nov 2011

I noticed that it has been over a year since I've written a blog here. I've been in and out, not nearly as active as I was once upon a time. I want to use this site more. I'm curious to see what users are still here, though. So please leave me a comment to let me know that you're also still here.

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  • Quoting a Simple Minds song: " Alive and Kicking". 

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • I've seen a very little of you. Hope to see you around more often.

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • canana said it best.

    i'm also a writer now :D

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • yeah its pretty hard to be alive.. ;D haha i love that title!

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • *checks for pulse* I think i'm alive, just can't find my pulse...

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • I'm new, but I'm around. Admittedly, I rarely use the forums. I just kind of post things and fade into obscurity until the next week. Good times!

    ...Stick around, though. Could be fun.

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • How I can I be dead from this site? hehehe!!! I am still around!!

    Which reminds me:

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • I are dead, which means I get superpowers right?

    Posted Nov 09, 2011

  • I am a new user to NOOBFEED.  I frequently right blogs but not a lot of people read them.  But that does not mean anything to me.  The reason being that I enjoy being on this website and I enjoy discussing games.  Most of us are busy now, but that does not drive us away either from what we enjoy doing rthe most and thats playing games and writing about them.  I am actually trying to get new reviews and blogs out, If you would like to read some go ahead and be my guest.  But yes we are still around and going strong.  IF gaming is your passion you really shouldn't let it fall apart.  I almost did, and this website has helped me get back to my gaming ways.  I would like to see more blogs from you and even reviews.  :)

    Posted Nov 10, 2011

  • Cool to see all the new users around. 

    Posted Nov 10, 2011

  • @Redwolf37 oh your stuff is read, just that not everyone replies. your stuff is quite good let me remind you.


    @King well i would be a new face compared to you lol. do come back, we can use some of the older crowd along with the new. now, as i say to everyone, go to my blog and look at my 5th of november special!


    Nice to meet cha

    Posted Nov 10, 2011

  • Same thing has happened to me, but I really think you should do like me and come back for good! The community here is still the most friendly community on the internet, and it'll be even better if you got back in the game :D

    Posted Nov 12, 2011

  • @Dramus : Going to your blog now. :)

    Posted Nov 13, 2011

  • @King yes visit the almighty blog!...green lantern oaths will be recorded soon as well :P minus the suits.

    Posted Nov 14, 2011

  • Nope i died :P

    Posted Nov 28, 2011

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