Hello World !!!

By SarahEsk, Posted 19 Oct 2011



I’m Sarah or also known as SarahEsk I’m 21 and a journalist.

I’m a showbiz writer for one of Ireland biggest showbiz blogs. If you haven’t guessed it I myself am from Ireland ( no I’m not a leprechaun and no I don’t love potatoes).

 I’m new to the team but that doesn’t mean I’m new to gaming.

Gaming is a massive passion of mine which basically takes up most of my free time and a lot of my childhood (that sounds quite sad doesn’t it).  I’ve been gaming since the day I was given Sega Mega drive and my god was that not one memorable day. I remember I was completely obsessed with the Michael Jackson game (don’t pretend you don’t know what I’m talking about).


Right now have a PS3 traded the old half beaten to death Xbox in for a shiny new PS3 which I don’t regret; it’s an amazing gaming console, to me the best out there.  “Gaming is just the start” which is completely true with PS3.

Growing up I did become a Nintendo fan ( I shudder at the thought of it now) Gameboy will always hold onto piece of just like Pokemon, which of course the majority of us slag off now, but that was the first real taster I had for unique and RPG gaming. Praise the lord I have now left that dark stage of Nintendo gaming although I do miss Zelda… and Pokemon *cough*, I mean Metroid.


Like most RPG fans I adore Final Fantasy, to me it’s the best series of RPG excluding some of the most recent ones (yes I’m looking at you final fantasy 13) .I think I like RPG’s because it sits you right in the middle of the story that you control.

I’m really excited for the new elder scrolls I think that it will blow minds on all gaming platforms, Just like oblivion did.

I can’t wait to get to know everyone, You’ll see me around the forums a lot I’m pretty sociable so feel free to as any questions or add me!! 

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  • Welcome to NoobFeed Sarah :) If you are an RPG fan, then you should try Mass Effect series or Fallout 3/New Vegas sometime. 

    Posted Oct 19, 2011

  • Welcome to the site, feel free to post in our friendly forum and get to know other NF members. 


    Posted Oct 19, 2011

  • Heya Sarah! Welcome aboard! Indeed take Amaya's advice and shoot for fallout series, specially new vegas. so far i have over 200 hours into it -_-.

    Posted Oct 20, 2011

  • Hi Sarah. Welcome to the world of noobs ;D It's nice to learn a bit about yourself. I'm Sleven from Singapore and like you gaming is my passion too. I like RPG games but there are better RPG than FF. Though FF is surely one of the best RPG of all time title contenders.

    Posted Oct 20, 2011

  • Skyrim... Will be my end. Whatever social life I have will be gone. :P 

    Posted Oct 23, 2011

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