Chief Thunder Surprise!

By Sleven, Posted 19 Sep 2011

I don't know what to say! I mean most of you guys are new around here and those who are old, know how badly I wanted one thing out of this site. Which is the Publicist emblem. And today, when I unlocked the new level Cheif Thunder, I finally unlocked this precious baby.


These unique individuals have gone above and beyond the call of duty.


I wasn't planning to writing any blog until I finish playing Homefront. I didn't believe when @Buckley rated it an average FPS but now I do. There's a reason a lot of people hates MW series, because it has made most of the other shooters very average. You'll have my review on this game pretty soon. I'm almost heading towards the final chapter. I would've already but I took few days off the game while I was replaying Witcher II.


Until next time. Peace.


Update: I've actually posted the review on Homefront.

comments powered by Disqus

  • Good Job, Sleven! 

    Without revealing much, you were in the right track and it was just a matter of time until you receive this emblem. But be aware, the emblem isn't forever in your profile, you have to take care of it, like a pet...

    Posted Sep 19, 2011

  • @canana  Thanks :D This is the emblem I wanted from the every first day I signed up here. I'll do everything in my power to keep this babe alive. 

    Posted Sep 19, 2011
  • avatar RON

    Well done Sleven. Now pay attetion to canana's message.

    Posted Sep 20, 2011

  • Congrats Slev!  which is your next target emblem? :P

    Posted Sep 20, 2011

  • @RON @Dramus

    #RON : Thanks and I will :)

    #Dramus : Thanks. Now that's a good question. I actually never thought about it before. But now I just did and I guess this one >

     Providing us all with Ultimate Gaming Fuel

    Posted Sep 20, 2011

  • I had it the very first week I started here.

    Posted Sep 22, 2011

  • wohoho... congrats mate. !! *raise the glass*

    Posted Sep 25, 2011

  • Nice job, ive often wondered how that emblem came about, and good work with hitting the chief thunder level, keep it up! Btw are you on PSN or XBL? If so are we friends and if not add me, EliteEdge.

    Posted Sep 26, 2011

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