Falling To My Death

By CrazyTop, Posted 21 Jul 2011

So this was just something running through my mind. Quite a different perspective I'd think....I didn't think I could even perceive it this way and now I am ._. What I mean by this is your mind is damaged either way but it's better to hurt than feel nothing when something happens...wouldn't you agree? I've learned that the more you experience the less you feel.

They say that every problem you face in life

Allows you to grow stronger

But as my memories surround me

Screaming in fear

I can't help but think how wrong they are

Your body may be able to take the pain

But what about your mind?

It'll lose its sanity after a period of time

Even your heart will halt

Creating a new wall

Where everything feels numb

And no matter what they say or do to you

You can only think over what they've said

While emotionally you are dead

So as you face more and more

You can deal with an increased torture

However, you become incapable of feeling

Each day is the same

Soon enough life becomes pointless

The reaction has been lost

While you become incapable of being truly hurt

Your mind and heart learn not to either

So if you think about it...

If experience destroys your sense of reaction

Wouldn't it make you weaker?

And if it makes you invulnerable

Wouldn't it be wiser to be more inexperienced?

Either way is torture

But I'd rather hurt my mind than my heart

You see....

If I learned from everything

Then nothing would affect me

Even falling to my death...

Wouldn't hurt me.

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  • This reminds me of something that Dumbledore says in Harry Potter: " To The Organized Mind, Death Is But The Next Great Adventure"


    Very lovely indeed. However if i may make a personal statement. I believe that an experienced mind that does not feel is an experienced mind that has not learned to heal itself and thus wouldnt feel feel pain as he already is in pain. A healthy experienced mind would be able to grieve and move on with each new painfull experience.

    Posted Jul 21, 2011

  • Hmmm interesting but true. It does sort of remind me of it now too. However, do you know of anyone with a healthy mind in your definition? Because most are always grieving. The reason the experienced mind does not feel is because they have learned to cope with it so much that it does not affect them or harm them in any manner. An inexperienced mind would feel pain instantly for a long time until it learns to cope. I've kinda learned this from experience ><

    Posted Jul 21, 2011

  • @CrazyTop indeed i know a few people like that. all older people past their 50's though. They have lived through so much in their lives that they just learned to cope. I cant speak for myself to say that i have reach such levels as i have only had 3 loses in my life. 1 when i was fairly young, one in my teens and one recently as an adult. I grieved all 3 but i did move on. However i say i havent reached that level mainly because i am highly antisocial and very detached from people...so things like death and family attachments hardly effect me as much they would affect normal people. Faced with death, i simply say that "where ever they are, i am sure its not as bad as this place!"

    Posted Jul 21, 2011

  • First time ever I'm reading your poem that has made full sense to me. Brilliant.

    Posted Jul 22, 2011

  • @Dramus   Interesting, it might be hard for you to completely understand what I'm saying then when you look at it that way and you are affected differently. Yeah that is true, but it could also be worse.


    @Sleven Thank you very much ^^ and yeah this one was emotional, but it wasn't personal enough for just understanding people to get. It was a little deeper in just logic itself and the way people perceive it.

    Posted Jul 23, 2011

  • "Where everything feels numb" "Soon enough life becomes pointless"

    I don't know why. but I always like this part. :/ :p

    Posted Jul 23, 2011

  • For some other reason it has touched me too. I'll tell you about it later. Did you share this poem over facebook?

    Posted Jul 24, 2011

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