Best Killstreak >:D

By CrazyTop, Posted 08 Jul 2011

So I decided to re-live my acheivement of 38 kills and 0 deaths on Black Ops, for PS3, on Radiation :) I am curious as to what is your best killstreak? A camping killstreak does not count you dirty little cheaters D:< Ahem...anyway lol care to share everyone? What game was it on? What gun did you use? What map? Were your opponents noobs or not?

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  • I've never counted my best but your 38 kills with 0 death sounds like a good record to me.

    Posted Jul 08, 2011

  • Thumbs up :) I don't particularly recall a certain record, but I can assure you that I used to be a real ace in Resistance 2 multiplayer on co-op.

    Posted Jul 08, 2011

  • @Sleven Start keeping track? Who knows maybe that information will become valuable one day :P

    @ILIAS Thanks :] and that's awesome ^^ Never played resistance online is it really good?

    Posted Jul 08, 2011

  • Yeah, Resistance 2 is the only game I really got into multiplayer... for good. Apart from the normal competitive games (death matches, capture flag etc.) the real edge of the game was its co-operative multiplayer. Simply awesome.

    Posted Jul 09, 2011

  • I think I will after I start MW3 :D

    Posted Jul 09, 2011

  • @ILIAS that sounds amazing :o I will have to try it!


    @Sleven haha good idea :) I'm guessing you are exicted for MW3 as well?

    Posted Jul 10, 2011

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