It took me THIS long!

By Sleven, Posted 30 Jun 2011

To unlock this...


Check out Mr Popular with all his page views. He's always on the forefront of members minds.


Took me almost two years to have it in my profile. And among all the old active users, I'm probably the last user to have it. It's one of the coolest emblem of all here in NoobFeed. I'm also reaching to two more emblem upgrades. I'm pretty sure none of you have noticed it yet ;P


Anyway, exams are over. Plenty of time for gaming and basketball practice. 3 emblems in two weeks. I'm having a good time :D

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  • Congrats on the new emblem Sleven :)

    Posted Jun 30, 2011

  • @ILIAS : Thanks boss.Means a lot when someone like you applaud for me :)

    Posted Jun 30, 2011

  • Good job! 

    Posted Jul 01, 2011

  • very nice - but congrats

    Posted Jul 01, 2011
  • avatar RON

    This is one of my most favorite emblems. Good job unlocking it.

    Posted Jul 01, 2011

  • @canana @Cian @RON

    Thanks to you all :)

    Posted Jul 01, 2011

  • My observation says that the description of this emblem doesn't match with how it functions.

    Posted Jul 02, 2011

  • good job, you may lose anytime though :P

    Posted Jul 02, 2011

  • @Amaya : Technically yes but this emblem requirement was changed and the description wasn't.

    @biZZy : Thanks mate. But I don't see any reason behind losing it.

    Posted Jul 02, 2011

  • Congrats, man! It looks brilliant nestled next to your stack of others :3

    Dedication. Thats what that says. :)

    Posted Jul 02, 2011

  • I won't reveal it but lets see if you can hold it! :P

    Posted Jul 03, 2011

  • @caityful : Thanks mate. You hope you unlock some more emblems too. I lack in competitors here :P

    @biZZy : I still don't know what you mean mate. But I'll wait to see if there's anything that changes.

    Posted Jul 04, 2011

  • Congrats :D your getting quite far in the emblem department.

    Posted Jul 05, 2011

  • @Akio-Norio Thanks mate. You are suppose to catch me! Have you given up already?

    Posted Jul 05, 2011

  • Oh sorry kid, my bad :( I thought you unlocked the publicist one!

    Posted Jul 06, 2011

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