The 7th layer Moves to Itunes

By Cian, Posted 26 Jun 2011

Hey Everyone,

It has come to our attention that this site only has room for one Audio Show!
It is becoming increasingly likely that the Noobcast is the show the site will go with! Which is totally fine with us. so with this in mind Dan and I have decided to take the 7th layer Independant and on Itunes only.

Now we realise that an official decision had to be made by the man in charge but to Ron we say, we didnt want to put you in that awkward position. so we made this decision and we hope you can respect it. Above all we want to thank you for the opertunity you gave us to let our voices be heard and we will always be indebted to you!

To our friends in the noobcast we say, Keep doing your thing guys! the people like it and so do we! god bless and we hope the show goes from strength to strength.

To our fans here on Noobfeed, we hope you guys will continue to listen to us via itunes, your support has meant the world to both Dan and I! we thank each and every one of you personally. Especially DarrieNY who has gone above and beyond with support!.

With regard to current positions Both Dan and I would like to remain in our positions but if its not possible we understand totally.

all the best guys

Cian and Dan

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  • It didn't have to go this way but I personally respect what you have decided. But keep posting them in your blog. I don't want to miss the fun you and Dan do.

    Posted Jun 27, 2011

  • /um Amaya can you briefly explain to me in simple terms what's going on and since its on iTunes do we have to pay to hear it now?(don't use iTunes often so unfamiliar)

    Posted Jun 28, 2011
  • avatar Dan


    here it is in a nutshell

    There were two shows on

    now theres only one!

    ours is now on Itunes and its free! search for the 7th layer on itunes.  no need to worry, we are still nobodys. we couldnt charge for the show that would be silly

    Posted Jun 28, 2011

  • ahhh thanks ^^; just that itunes, nearly everything costs a price on there so i never use it but yer i will catch it on there.

    Posted Jul 05, 2011

  • @Akio-Norio - thanks - it's free on Itunes so it will cost you nothing. :) hope you enjoy the new eps

    Posted Jul 08, 2011

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