Itunes +more

By Cian, Posted 21 Jun 2011

Yay it's Blog time -
 then again i'm not great with blogs - so anyway lets go...

as you all know the 7th Layer podcast is now on Itunes  currently it's Ep1 and Ep 2, I'm hoping to get it up todate with the the podcast (ep5)  my thought on E3 can be found on the Noobcast podcast ( and i gave each conference a rating on the review of each press conference.

other than that i'vee been a bit busy with exam and stuff- they are nearly over -yay

in other news - the Game night will be starting up again soon -- so keep a eye out for a new thread very soon.

remember if you have any ideas on game nights PM me



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  • Ep 5 is the best 7th layer podcast you guys have done so far. Really enjoyed it. Also looking forward to the gamenight videos. They are real fun. And good luck with your exams.

    Posted Jun 21, 2011

  • cheers @sleven  (for myself it's between ep 4 and ep 5)  yeah hope i can get the recording working for the gam night s,they are fun :)  thanks i got 1 more exam to go ( passing them all so far )

    Posted Jun 21, 2011

  • Good to know. I'm very much looking forward to the game nights.

    Posted Jun 22, 2011

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