What's Going on at E3 2011?

By Admin, Posted 08 Jun 2011
xxxx... The Pre-E3 Edition (Joshua McCaul, Cian Crowdy)
  • Last-minute E3 expectations from our writers (Jesse Dolman, J.McCaul and David Gabriel)
  • NoobCast Episode 4: The Post E3 Conferences Edition by J.McCaul, C.Crowdy, D. Gabriel and Syed Akbar)






    We hope you enjoy our coverage of E3! If you have any E3 specific questions for any staff member then feel free to leave them here and we gladly answer them with due dilligence!


    Happy NoobFeeding,
    Joshua McCaul.

    comments powered by Disqus

    • It was pretty good by the writers during this E3. I hope you guys keep up this spirit till TGS and eventually till GOTY.

      Posted Jun 08, 2011

    • As a reminder the most recent updates to this list can be found in the E3 2011 section of our forums within the "What's Going on at E3 2011" topic that can be accessed by clicking here.


      @Sleven The Tokoyo Game Show and GoTY debates will definitely be getting the same treatment and attention. You can count on that.

      Posted Jun 09, 2011

    • I agree sleven thee writers really did a nice job, and it is so organised and well put together not to mention neat.Thank you writers :D

      Posted Jun 28, 2011
    • Thats true :) @Admin
      Posted Mar 25, 2013

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