Well it's too hot out there! Yes it's summer and i am not quite enjoying it as the temp is out of control and it's really getting worse day by day. Well think of the inside of your CPU then? Every time we do so many things to keep it cool. But in al cases it goes out of everything mostly.


But have you guys ever think of keeping your PC within a bucket filled with cool water?? It sounds weird, right? But since Lady GaGa can sing and Justin Biber can act, so i think we have the freedom to keep our CPU within a cool water bucket.



The Case you are seeing above is the coolest desktop case ever realesed by any manufacturer. Fractal Design realeased their one of the finest creation in desktop casing making in Computex 2011.


Having a gadget encased in ice is always a cool stunt (pun intended), but Fractal took one step further by using blocks of ice cut out of a Swedish river, and then have them shipped all the way to Computex in Taiwan. Apparently that's how Scandinavians roll i guess.


Here are some more shots you might like.

Shot 1:



Shot 2:



Shot 3:



Source: Fractal Design.

comments powered by Disqus

  • This would be very useful for the guests in that so called Ice Hotel in Iceland (remember the Die Another Day movie?)

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

  • Yes I remember. But i wonder how will they keep it intact. @koshai

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

  • This is just crazy. I'll have to turn my room into a refrigerator to keep that, if I ever buy such casing.

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

  • That is just awesome, and yes .. Sandivanians do indeed roll like that.

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

  • its cool but not practical...but still cool

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

  • Melt....  Zap.....  Smoke..... Cry...

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

  • The word cool suits here perfectly.

    Posted Jun 06, 2011

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