I downloaded Terraria 2 days ago, and at this moment, I already logged about 27 hours.


Holy crap, that's a good game.


Actually I'm nowhere close to fully explore a world, actually I don't know if I even CAN fully explore the whole world, even the small world is huge.


A lot of people say Terraria is 2D Minecraft. I guess there's a lot of similarities, but I wouldn't say they're the same game. I never played Minecraft, so I don't know how much they're alike, and I don't really care about the argument either way.


Holy crap, Terraria is a good game. Did I mention that before?


Oh, hi, Noobfeed!


Summer is here, I'm not super busy, although I do have to work for most of the day.


So, yeah, I will be around for most of the summer until I have to go to college.


E3 is also a week away. Everyone excited? I am.


So, yeah, go download Terraria, it's awesome!


See you guys around!


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  • Sounds interesting to me. How about a review on it! I might buy if it's really that good according to you. Summer's here but not the break. Few more days of schooling and then I'm mostly free. E3 starting just at the right time during break time. What are your expectations this year?

    Posted May 31, 2011

  • "A lot of people say Terraria is 2D Minecraft." funny. that's exactly the first thing that crossed my mind when i saw it.

    Posted May 31, 2011

  • @Sleven: I probably will write a review on Terraria, but not until I think I seen enough of the game. I don't know if I'm even close yet. Well, I don't know what to expect this year at E3. According to rumors, Nintendo is annoucing a new system, I don't know what to expect, good or bad. Microsoft will probably show off their key franchises and such, I don't have too much anticipation since Microsoft's last year's E3 wasn't pleasing me. Sony will probably show off the NGP (maybe?), probably show off trailers/demos for their big games. To be honest, I'm not expecting an awesome E3 from the Big Three. However, I do really enjoy seeing hidden gems in E3, that part is always awesome. Because they're hidden gems, I have no expectations as well.

    @BrunoBRS: Yes, it's AWESOME. You should get it. For some reason, I always imagine you would be the first person to get a game like Terraria and telling everyone how awesome it is.

    Posted Jun 01, 2011

  • Every year Nintendo tries to show something new or a new device. I think this is just stupid. They should bring more games rather than releasing new devices every year. Sony has been putting up good shows every year since 07. Let's see what they have to offer this year. And honestly speaking I hardly follow 360 these days. I don't know if I'll ever buy that console.

    Posted Jun 01, 2011

  • lol it's just that i looked at it and said "i already have it, it's called minecraft".

    and i've done my part promoting minecraft, i turned it into a pretty damn popular game in my class :P

    Posted Jun 01, 2011

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