
By CrazyTop, Posted 05 May 2011

I care about you

Enough to die for you

Your happiness is everything

My friends I'd do anything

To see you smile

Even laugh for a while

It's my goal to help you stay alive

I'll do everything I can to help you survive

Just give me your hand

Tonight we'll fly, touch the sky

Erase our worries for the night

As corny as it sounds

I'll hold you in my arms

Protect you from the dangers in life

You won't be alone

I'll be right by your side

I'll protect you with my very life

I will never leave you

I promise you

You inspire me

Each and every one of you

A piece of my heart goes out to all of you

I vow to always be there

No matter what time it is here

As silly as it seems

I feel so close to many of you

I just hope you give me a chance

To prove I can be loyal to you

My friends,

Remember I'd sacrifice anything for you.

Well.....I'm surprised this poem almost made me cry just writing it. Haha it seems like a love poem in some ways but just know....I care about EVERYONE. This goes out to all my friends but more to my internet ones, because you all have made such a huge impact of my life. I know I have some repeated words in there but can't help but repeat things. Sometimes, there are just so few words that can really express how you feel.

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  • Very emotional but I want to give an honest feedback. All your poems are stating to look the same.

    Posted May 05, 2011

  • Very very lovely. You know, you're awesome :)

    Posted May 05, 2011

  • It has touched me

    Posted May 05, 2011

  • @Amaya I know :/ but considering every word of my poetry comes from my heart it's difficult to word it otherwise. All poets have a certain type of writing and this is mine

    @Dramus lol thanks, not as awesome as you :D

    @Sleven really? :o

    Posted May 06, 2011

  • I'm a heartless. but its really2 touched me..

    Posted May 06, 2011

  • I understand. Try a different topic next time like war or something but not loss of love.

    Posted May 06, 2011

  • It did. I wished someone was saying those words to me ;P

    Posted May 06, 2011

  • @Amaya uh....i'll try? but i gave up on poetry after realizing the truth behind your words. Besides this wasn't loss of love at all?


    @samael63 awww i'm glad i got through to you ^^


    @Sleven well your one of my internet friends so you count in this silly

    Posted May 07, 2011

  • @CrazyTop : i saw this earlier in Facebook!! Nicely written!!!

    Posted May 09, 2011

  • @Koshai Thank you that means a lot ^^ I try my best haha

    Posted Jun 02, 2011

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