By CrazyTop, Posted 26 Apr 2011

For those of you who don't already know. As of Wednesday April 20th PSN is down once again. It's not the first time either. It was also down February 28th, March 3rd, and March 9th. It's been thought that the attack was by the hacker group "Anonymous" who has been previously attacking sony, but they denied any involvment since they seek only to attack Playstation and not the users. However, it is said that a hacker was the cause of the shut down. Most possibly those who try to modify their PS3 to steal content from PSN. According to their official blogs the external intrusion has caused PSN and Qriocity services to shut down. They are currently re-building the system, hopefully for our benefit so that this doesn't occur again. A source close to Sony has said that it will most likely be back up tomorrow. However, according to Playstation they don't even have an estimate as to when it will be back up. When they first informed their users they said it would take 1-2 days obviously that's not the case. Users are getting inpatient and increasingly frustrated as the time drags on. It occured at the worst time possible with new games coming out such as, Mortal Kombat, Portal 2, and SOCOM 4. Hopefully PSN will be back up soon, they are losing users fast after all the recent network problems. Most are going to buy an xbox. It's infuriating how Playstation fails to update their users with more information. Next time, they need to inform us that they are shutting it down especially when it's nearly been a week. I'll update this when I receive anymore information. I've recently learned from the official playstation blog that PS3 users information has been compromised. The shocking thing is that it was only ONE hacker who did this. And according to the text they said it'll take another week to get just some features of PSN back online. Might as well go buy an xbox, because I'm pretty sure that even with them increasing security and such this will happen again. I have completely lost all respect for Sony, this is unacceptable.

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  • lol Anon who the hell went to 4chan and said that this would be a good idea -_- Hopefully with the rebuild we can have party's over PSN so we can chat via Mics even when in different games.

    Posted Apr 26, 2011

  • There are a few PS3 players that aren't happy with this. People that prefers the online gaming instead of  the single player. I'm playing PS3 and not having PSn isn't the end of the world, however, I can feel the pain of those who can't enjoy the service. There are rumors saying PSN will be back still this week, I don't know if that's right. 

    Posted Apr 26, 2011

  • On a side note, just saw on gamespot and on the news...seems sony held meeting in which they admitted that data had been posting a blog on it now.

    Posted Apr 26, 2011

  • @Knight @canana @Dramus


    I highly doubt they will allow us to do that Knight. And I see what you mean, I however, beat single player games in a day so I prefer online gaming since it gives me more of a challenge. It won't be up this week that's for sure.  I read what you wrote Dramus, it's good very informed.

    Posted Apr 27, 2011

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