Mass Effect 3 Preview

By Falconer, Posted 15 Apr 2011

Mass Effect 3 starts on Earth three months after the Arrival DLC. Shepard is facing scrutiny from the Alliance who still can't believe that the Reapers are real and not some legend. This is about to change as several Reaper Warships appear over our little planet. NY, Japan, and London (never Australia is it, how insulting) are attacked as people around the globe watch on. Hundreds of Reaper vessels descend and take the planet!

Before this the Alliance seized the Normandy SR2 and took it apart. They have put it together bigger and better than before. The Alliance still sees Shepard as a Marine and a Specter, so with Earth lost Shepard takes the SR3 to gather allies for a counter attack, not singular allies but entire civilisations.

Getting every one onside is possible but it depends on your decisions in ME1 and M2, this is however highly improbable according to Casey Hudson. Shepard may also have to decide on if to save one civilisation over another.

There are new features to the series including ladders, being able to pickup enemies weapons, you can now roll, and duck behind lower cover. Weapons can now be modified to your preferences with barrels, scopes etc.

Enemy AI has been improved and now can use many new tactics against you, and differing tactics depending on their type.

It looks like Anderson is joining Shepard as a party member, as is EDI, Liara, Ashley/Kaidan, Garrus, Wrex, Mordin, Legion. Also a new member called James Sanders joins the team on Earth before or during the attack.

After 3 they are thinking about an MMO.

I will have more for you next month when ANZ Official X360 Mag comes out.

Info gleamed from GameInformer and Bioware.

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  • I could not turn Bold off with the preview for some reason.

    Posted Apr 15, 2011

  • I'm very sorry but I will not read anything that has to do with ME3 besides a review score before I hold the game in my hands... And have played it through. :( 

    Posted Apr 15, 2011

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