Blank !!

By monkeyfeed, Posted 06 Apr 2011

Everything is getting real bad for me this week, No games to play. Yup, I finished all the games i had in my hand last week. Two of my best friends are out of town. So no such hanging around. Work is getting worse (well it was never great either). A good friend of mine is leaving who used to work with and things are getting more complicated.

Oh! almost forgot that I lost my phone as well. Yea, it' been a real pleasure going on for me this week.

Thanks to @koshai though and for the music, it was a good thing to kill some time.

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  • Don't worry, things will get better! My last week was almost as bad as yours, and this week has started of much better :)

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • @Julian93 : Hey Thanks! hoping for that as well. And thanks for adding me though,  LEVEL "36" hmmm... u seem a really old noob here.

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • Well, look in the bright side. If things are this bad, then you should be happy. You see, if you think about it things cant get worse, so they will only get better. lost you phone? now you will find a laptop without a name laying around! one friend left? you will have 2 old friends come back! Work is bad? well, maybe you cant do much about it...but maybe your boss will call in sick for a few months! see, always think positive :D

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • @monkeyfeed : No problem mate :) And yeah, I've been around for a while. I have been a little on and off, but I think I'm back for good now :)

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • @Dramus : Well u made some great analysis and i must say that I liked it really. But the "Boss Sick" thing is not possible, because the the Boss is actually leaving and he is the good friend I am loosing u know.


    @Julian93 : Alright, Hope to see u around then.

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • then you just killed 2 birds with one stone! boss/friend leaves, so your next boss/friend will be cool too!!

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • @Dramus : HaHaHa ! I would wait then. Let's see.

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • Things will get better for you mate. No worries ;)

    Posted Apr 06, 2011

  • your always welcome!!!!

    Posted Apr 07, 2011

  • @monkeyfeed : You seem to be really down.  Are you using your old numbers or got a new one?

    Posted Apr 07, 2011

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