PS3 is here!!!

By Andrew, Posted 31 Mar 2011

So WalMart said that it would take AT LEAST 7-14 days to ship my PS3 to my local store for me to pick it up, well apparently not, because I went in today and they had it for me. So needless to say, I got my Killzone 3 160GB bundle, and I am EXTREMELY happy. About an hour into the KZ3 campaign, and I'm very impressed. The system was quite loud and made a lot of beeping noises while i first set it up and changed the settings, but since then it's been running really quiet without any problems. Unfourunatly, I wasn't expecting it for a few more days so I don't have an HDMI cable or audio splitter to use it with my HD monitor and speakers, so I'm stuck using it on my 480p living room TV with the included cables until I can order some cheap cables from Amazon. I'm not on PSN yet, but I plan to set up an account either tonight or tomorrow.


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    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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