I've been brushing up on my Killzone 3 game so as not to get completely annihilated by you NoobFeeders on game night. I realized that I so quickly forgot how much fun that game is to play online. Got myself rather addicted to it lately.


Speaking of Game Night, it's this Sunday night! Check out the Facebook event page as well as the sticky thread in the forums.


Other than that, I spent all evening yesterday waiting for Crysis 2 to download (couldn't get it started ahead of time, had to wait until I got home from work). So when it finally finished, it was rather late. I only allowed myself to play about an hour of the single player campaign, but I'm enjoying it throughly so far. Pretty excited to get back home and play some more, but I can't allow myself to get too rusty with Killzone 3!


Hope to see some of you on Game Night!

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  • what is your opinion on the game?

    Posted Mar 24, 2011
  • avatar RON

    Is there any way to capture that gamenight play?

    Played few hours with Crysis 2 and it didn't wow me like how the original did.

    Posted Mar 25, 2011

  • @CaseyD Visually amazing and starts slow, but it's been getting really, really cool after a few hours


    @RON Sure is, I have a capture card in my PC, run the console through it and record while running parallel output to the TV. I'm planning on making a compilation of moments after the fact, but unfortunately all of the footage will be from my POV of course.

    Posted Mar 25, 2011

  • @Buckley : sadly i dont have a PS3. even my roommate doesnt have the KillZone 3!!

    Somehow I feel Crysis 2 is not making me buy that game. Bulletstorm does.

    Posted Mar 28, 2011

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