I am a GAMER!

By monkeyfeed, Posted 15 Mar 2011

I am a gamer. Yes, I said this many times earlier. I said this to many of my friends, I said this in many gaming competitions as well. In fact this is one identity, which I really like to portray towards the end of my life. But just a couple of days back, I was playing GOW with a cousin of mine who is 12 years old and all of a sudden, I asked him hey buddy, why do you play games?? He replied what else should I do? It’s a good time pass. After that answer of his, I was thinking; is this the only reason we play games?


What could be the reason when a kid started playing games? Does anyone have an answer regarding this? May be initially it remains just for fun but later on do you think that fun changes and become an objective or become an inspiration for life.  Well I was thinking lately and mostly thinking of myself, that what so far the gamer instinct of mine provided me so far. I was amazed and have found out a kid, who was aimless and clueless 20 years back, but now working in a multi-national company after beating all those bloody exams and tasks of life. And that kid is me now.


I consider myself somewhat successful, well may be I am being little bit overexcited and admiring myself but still I am not in end of the line. Back in 89-90’s I can remember, one day my father bought me a handheld. It was mono-screen gaming device and had only one game called “ultimate soccer” in it. My first step to become a gamer started then. I stopped almost everything, study, school, eating and started playing games only. We had a pool in front of our house then, one day I dropped the handheld in to that pool, Yes that was it (!). I cried for a whole day and tried hard to fix that thing.


But actually a different part of gaming started for me. My dad came up with an idea and said hey little buddy, cheer up! I will give you another one but there is one condition. I said what? He replied, do well in your studies and we’ll buy another. From that day I learned one thing that, in life you need to achieve things rather than just getting it. I got my first Nintendo after few months and no doubt I stood first in my class. But more important thing is that I got a lesson and possibly the most important one for my life. I became an achiever, I won 3 national scholarships till my schools end, and in return I got my PS1, Nintendo and off course the PS2.


I am not saying that my entire study or success in life deepened on those consoles but those facts actually kept the achievers spirit alive in me. Tell me one thing you all- don’t you feel good when finish a campaign in COD or win a race or conquer a land in Age of Empires?? Well I feel good always. That little motivation I got from my father 20 years back, actually made me as someone who always tries, rather falling back. Because ahead of every issue I face in my life I see an imaginary console now, that made me strong enough to achieve it.


Gamers are geek, I heard it many times. Gamers are losers, they don’t have any real world identify and live only in virtual world. I would gladly kick those people and would tell them that be that geek at first then talk.


Now let’s think what is actually going on now? Most kids are playing games now for no reason. They just play. I mean why?? Every kid got all the consoles and they spend time playing games. They buy games, start playing and then threw away those in a minute when it’s done playing. I hardly believe they really understand the meaning we gamers posses within ourselves. This is something really not right. A game can give you the idea of tactics, sharpness, intelligence and a lot more. Let’s not think that games are destroying a kid’s future. If anyone has doubt then ask them to come @ NF and check what we are doing here. Lastly this is to all those blo*dy people against gaming, I must say, I ran half naked in the street of Dhaka when Bangladesh won against England, I had to eat cockroach (it was a part of training) when I went to camping with Bangladesh Army, I broke someone’s arm with a cricket bat only because he gave a decision that I was out and finally I play games.


I can say today, that I am a GAMER because I am an Achiever and I am proud of it.                        I

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  • Nice Entry, Kudos.


    Although nowhere near as motivational a reason as yours, my reason however is purely for entertainment for the first few years. Then when i finally became smart enough to realize what games were and what the world is, they turned into an escape where i could let my imagination soar and do things that i thought it could not do. As i grew older and my imagination became tainted by the world, things just became even more amazing. I would choose bits and pieces from different games and create my own worlds, and that creation i would apply to the current world scenarios oh the fun moments. Now in my day and age, games have become something of a way to expand my way of thought, through them i grow and apply what i have learned into real life where i may look at others and play the Psychologist. So fun.

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • @Dramus : Entertainment is a part of it for sure. But my question is to those who always put their finger against gaming.



    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • Most old school gamers have similar stories like you but in this generation we play games because they are fun and we don't have any better thing to do.

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • And thats my friend is a cool reason all on its own, but doing something just for doing it is kind of, well i dont know, not very fullfilling in my opinion. however, even you @Sleven have a reason to play games and its not "just because they are fun" people do something because it appeals to them on some level, perhaps to escape from an idea or from something. Sports players dont just play for fun...they play to satisfy an inner hunger for improvement. even if they dont realize it...but i seem to be taking this very much into the psychological and deep thought levels so i will retire home for the day...toodles!

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • @Dramus : Agreed. No doubt on that.

    Posted Mar 16, 2011

  • Indeed. I am a gamer as well. I started playing games because it was something to do, and I kept playing because I enjoyed them. Amusing to hear mono-screen, and well very impressive on the national scholarships mate! Games are definitely beneficial and truely awesome ... nice blog mate :)

    Posted Mar 16, 2011

  • @monkeyfeed : everything we do has its own reason: good or bad, important or important. in many cases the so so materialistic world tend to find wrong reasons for any activities people do, which includes games. i dont know why. maybe negatives get better exposure than positives. gaming also has its positive side but people have a difficult time finding those.

    Posted Mar 18, 2011

  • @Tressilate : Games are always awosome. and Thanks.

    Posted Mar 18, 2011

  • @Koshai : This is what I am saying.

    Posted Mar 18, 2011

  • A very cool introspective of your gaming life you made there. I enjoyed reading it very much.

    You're right, every one of us has his own special reason for which we started playing games and a whole different viewpoint of gaming compared to the other "normal" people.

    I mostly started playing games by chance and I was so fascinated by the games at that time that I immediately considered them the best of all the entertainment media. After my parents bought me my first NES I thought of gaming as something at which I can be good at and that went on for a while after which it became something of a hobby. Playing dozens and dozens of titles over a long period of time has led me to the conclusion that games are the most interactive form of art. It's like a miniature dream in which you have a pre-rendered world as your canvas, a ruleset as your tools but the painting itself is drawn by your actions and the consequences of your actions give out the overall quality of the painting. This alone enables you to see every game as a new and unique experience that cannot be regarded as your typical food wrapper that is tossed away once the contents have been consumed.

    As for why people think gamers are weird and whatnot is mostly because of the of their inflexible mentality and the reticience in accepting a new concept that can't be largely defined by the general masses as something normal. One thing I've learned about the people's mentalities over the years is that if a person can't personally relate to something he was ever faced with/experienced/heard about, he won't accept it and more than that he'll stubbornly refuse it until he will be personally faced with it(I'm talking mostly generally here. Open-minded people aren't particularly headstrong about anything). That's why the best way, in my opinion, to tackle the problem is to constantly face that person with this issue. It may take a while, people may consider you weird but, doing so will undoubtedly force their subconscious to give in and accept your idea if not to embrace it once they've also tried it out.

    Posted Mar 18, 2011

  • We, gamers, will stand untied for our beliefs...

    My mind thinks faster thanks to RTS games... My sense of sight has a longer line of sight, I have a better sense of hearing and I have cat-like reflexes...thanks to all those years playing CoD and other FPS games..


    and those who are against gaming.. are narrow minded and are always thinking that gaming can't bring anything good..


    I had a similar past like that too..  trading games or consoles for high grades... and even running through the streets half naked..

    but it was about trying to get to a cafe in the middle of a tropical depression.. haha... I tried to save my shirt and covered it with my body while running under the rain... and good thing I did that, It was freezing when I entered the cafe and I wiped my self dry before I wore the shirt again..

    and the EPIC FAIL of this tale was... a few minutes into playing CoD with my buddies was.. a power failure... and the cafe didn't have a power generator.. .. We just went home laughing..

    Posted Mar 19, 2011

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