Trying Out for Hard News

By Yuna7780, Posted 13 Mar 2011

Hey, NF! I just wanted to post another blog upon my whereabouts this past week. :)

For those of you who don't know, the Hard News anchor left ScrewAttack and right now they are trying to find a new anchor to take over the job... So far a few people on YT and SA have told me that I'm the best or one of the best "audition tapes" they have seen. Personally I think I did a bad job, but you are your greatest critisizer.

I just wanted to share with you guys my try out video and let's hope I can get the job! Cheer me on!!

'll talk with ya'll later!

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  • You are making news on firmville? lol. What was that funny wink about about.

    Posted Mar 13, 2011

  • @sleven We aren't allowed to take Destin's official point... I couldn't come up with anything, so I decided to wink.

    Farmville is a game... to an extent. :P I was something to talk about.

    Posted Mar 13, 2011

  • Come on Yuna. FV is an app and it sucks bad :P A real gamer like you should never consider it a game or any sort of it. Unless you are a fb addict.

    Posted Mar 13, 2011

  • @Yuna7780 : wth!!!!! Destin is out!!!! I liked him. Damn I will miss him. Ok I have to criticize this. Try to have more energy when you present yourself. I just felt you are lacking energy. Try to analyze yourself by watching your videos multiple times and compare this to Destin's one. Coz you have to know that this is "Hard" News. Oh yes where is that quick close up shot at the end. Hehehe!! Other than that good job!!!

    Posted Mar 14, 2011

  • really? Farmville??? that is such an excuse for a game, i mean "Its been four days and i have not cashed my crops" -.- games like that with barely any action (otehr than teh point where the crops grow YEEPY kind of make me mad. ;D

    Posted Mar 15, 2011

  • Best of luck, here's hoping you get it!

    Posted Mar 16, 2011

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