By Buckley, Posted 09 Mar 2011

There are a lot of cool people on this site.


We all know that.




I'm sure all of you cool people exist on the internet outside of NoobFeed.




So let us network in a social fashion!


Here's my Facebook. Here's my Twitter. Add, follow, and such.


On Xbox LIVE, PSN, and Steam, I am known as bowlingotter. Add me to your friends list so we can play some games and stuff, or just so we can be like "hey that's the person from noobfeed" when we see the other sign on.


What's your story? Facebooks, Twitters, gamertags, let us exchange!

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  • Will add you all around. Though I have you on Steam already!

    Perhaps we should setup a post in the forums ... put all the writers up at the top with all our social networking so they can follow us and whatnot.

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • @Tressilate I like this idea you speak of.

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • @Buckley @Tressilate yea, what both of you said...so who is going to make the post


    yea, i added you on both...enjoy my crazyness!

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • @Buckley @Dramus I'll do it!

    Edit: Actually, I was looking at the forums and wasn't sure where to post it. Then I had an idea for a new board, be sure to give it some attention! Link: http://www.noobfeed.com/forum_posts/view/168/page:9#post_no_94480

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • Just sent you a request there in fb. I guess I should've done that long ago.

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • @Tressilate @Dramus @Sleven

    Added the three of you as well.

    Tressilate, let's get a link when you post the thread

    EDIT: NM just saw the link

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • im all stressed and confused with like 20 tabs on one browser so can i just like you guys to my facebook and msn(christopher-k-i@hotmail.com) and add you on live :) that would make it easier for me.if anyone alse wants to add my xbox its sonex15

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • So, you were following me on Twitter?! :P  I'll try not forget to add you in PSN in April. 

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • and @Akio-Norio has been added to my book with many faces 0_o...i steal your face!

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • @canana Well, I'm following you now!

    @Akio-Norio Added you on fb!

    Posted Mar 09, 2011

  • Haha you beat me to it!

    Already added on Steam, Raptr and GS.

    I don't really use Twitter, but I'll follow you anyhow. Quality tweets, man.

    And that was a brilliant idea, Tressilate!

    Posted Mar 10, 2011

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