Happy Birthday NoobFeed

By biZZy, Posted 14 Feb 2011

NoobFeed was officially launched on February 14, 2009. So NF is 2 year old today :D It's good to see the site growing & thanks to all for being here.




Also, Happy Valentine's Day to all :)


Since my leveling started moving after being frozen for a looooong time (it might be my PC temperature rise which put an end to the curse :P ) a Leaderboard is on its way...Although I'm not expecting much change.

comments powered by Disqus

  • does this meen new emblem for origonal users?

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • @goliath - Possibly not :P

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • Happy Birthday NF!!!

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • Happy B-Day NoobFeed! :D

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • happy happy joy joy happy happy bday day day

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • arrrg you've beaten me to the blog this time.

    Happy birthday NoobFeed :)

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • @Sleven - Revenge upon the contributor emblem upgrade :P

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • Happy Birthday Noobfeed i actully made it haha

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • Happy Birthday!!

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • Double Dragon... Double the fun? :P 

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • @Horgen123 - Double Dragon & 33 times fun ;) :P

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • I thought of that when I posted the comment. Good luck next time ;)

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • Didn't know that, awesome, two years then. Congrats, have a nice day for what is left.

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • Cant believe the site is getting old. No more little baby!! Haffy Nooby Day~

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • I do remember have leave a comment here.. where is it ???

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • @samael63 - I do remember that as well. But I was surprised to see that being deleted.

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • Yay! May another year of pure awesomeness ensue!

    Posted Feb 16, 2011

  • who deleted it ??

    did I say something forbiden ??

    Posted Feb 16, 2011

  • @Tressilate @samael63

    Tressilate - Yes of course

    samael63 - I don't remember you said anything wrong. Oh was it all-capital letter post? Then it's forbidden; I don't remember you did that though.

    Posted Feb 16, 2011

  • ah... yeah... I said "happy b'day and happy V-day" in all-capital.


    my bad.. my bad..

    Posted Feb 17, 2011

  • @samael63 - then you can't blame anyone.

    Posted Feb 17, 2011

  • Wait is there seriously gonna be a leaderboard???

    Posted Feb 17, 2011

  • @Akio-Norio yeah indedd there will be one considering the levels of users.

    Posted Feb 17, 2011

  • hehehe well my new noobfeed ambition it to get to the top of it i shall surpass RON himself!

    Posted Feb 18, 2011

  • @Akio-Norio lol okay! But it's not that easy now. I found Ron in Level 18 when I joined the site. And somehow I then surpassed which is almost impossible now :(

    Posted Feb 19, 2011

  • well... I can blame my self for didn't read the manual book.

    Posted Feb 19, 2011

  • @samael63 - no prob, you know it anyways.

    Posted Feb 19, 2011

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