Uh oh

By goliath, Posted 13 Feb 2011

You see, I have recently had an revelation and discovered somthing totally insane. I havent souched any video games in about a month...... Now I'm considering selling my xbox and all of my games for it. huh. I never thought the day would come


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  • i don't know what souching is, but it sounds bad :P

    you sure you just haven't been too busy/entertained with other things to have time for games? happened with me.

    Posted Feb 13, 2011
  • avatar RON

    Giving up on gaming! Very sad discovery indeed.

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • That's kinda bad but how much you are expecting in return. If the price is good and your collection, I might bid for it. Though it's more like marrying a friends wife right after his death.

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • *Slaps you* What did you just say?  Did I hear what I think I did? Give up gaming? What nonsense is this? 

    Posted Feb 14, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS :Yeah I think that might be it, I have recently started guitaring which is taking up all of my time really.

    @RON Giving up? naaa I wouldn't go that far, I will always have the trusty old pc and doom 95:)

    @Sleven I don't think ill be shipping it anywhere just selling it to a firend or try to make more by sellijng games to everyone

    @Horgen123 Like I said too RON, the pc will still always be here

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • I remember playing Revolution X on Genesis, where Steven Tyler shouts and says when you are Game Over, "Dont give up, play again!!!"

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • Nevermind then. But I'd love to know its price.

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • @Sleven I think with all of my games and controllers I'll try to get 300-400$ for it, It's a 60 gb and I got a few newer releases like Fallout New Vegas, GTA4, Mass Effect2, Red Dead Redemption. and a ton of older games 

    Posted Feb 15, 2011

  • Is it RROD free?

    Posted Feb 16, 2011

  • yeah, I have had it for a while so I don't think it will be developing it either I think im selling it for a good price myslef

    Posted Feb 17, 2011

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