It's not you, it's me

By goliath, Posted 10 Feb 2011

I'm sorry gang, I know I havent been active for a very long long time on Noobfeed but it isn't your fault. I mean this is probably the best gaming community a guy could hope for and just an awsome group of people. You see though, I have intense long term ADD where I can stay and concentrate for a month or so but after about a month I just up and leave. But if anyone cares tell me what's new!

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  • Oh and I have a new review up if anyone cares too read it.

    Posted Feb 10, 2011

  • I was holding myself not to post a comment but I forgive you ;P Not sure whether I should say welcome back to a friend who left without notice.

    Nevermind mate. I really missed you. Best news so far is that Tanya came back and posted a blog. The auto singout bug has been fixed and the site has many many new pals. And @BrunoBRS was elected for the Robin Hood sequel. @WillX47 was waned by Brad Pitt. oh And, I'm finally buying a DS.

    Posted Feb 10, 2011

  • @Sleven - you better explain that last part about buying a DS :P

    Posted Feb 10, 2011

  • One day I was walking by the river side and enjoying the natural beauty but suddenly a ninja appeared who later I found was @BrunoBRS put a ninja-gun on my head and forced me to sing a deal that if I don't buy a DS, the whole Nintendo force will come and kill me.

    Posted Feb 11, 2011

  • Haha thanks Sleven.

    all good news it seems although uhm I don't really think that a gun was necisary, mabey just a group of large bald men? like kerry king

    Posted Feb 11, 2011

  • Yeap that sould scare me a lot too. lol

    Posted Feb 11, 2011

  • @Sleven - we had a deal. you'd say you were enlightened and finally realized the awesomeness of the DS, and nothing bad would happen to you.

    you broke that deal.

    he's coming for you, and you don't wanna know what he'll do with that thing in his arm.

    Posted Feb 11, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS : :P there's always a second chance.

    Posted Feb 11, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS : Hmmm I assume he is somthing like man tracker?

    Posted Feb 12, 2011

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