I was so excited when I saw the news headline, Chinese authority wants to control over their kids who are addicted by online gaming. It’s great news for Chinese parents as well as our parents. Chinese authorities have ordered over online video game operators to help the parent restriction. This is a big problem in Chinese parents are unable to control their children. That’s why the Chinese authority gave such an order to the online game operators. The Ministry of Public Security said that online gaming companies to conform to the new guidelines by March 1, 2011.


By providing this order Chinese parents will able to control their kids daily or weekly on child’s game playing time, source said. They would also have option of putting in place a total ban.  But some parents and experts said that this order would be effective or not. But Xie Guangji, the father of 14 year old boy in Cangzhou, was telling the China Daily newspaper, “It’s unnecessary and it will prompt more rebelliousness from the children.” Gu June, a Sociologist told the newspaper “It’s a governmental gesture rather than an efficient solution” The notice also uttered that online game companies had a saddled with help parents restrict “inappropriate” video game playing. It also urged operators to employ special staff who can assist with the projects and to set up web pages as well as hotlines. The order suggested, the children should spend less than 2 hours a week and should not spend more than 10Yuan ($1.50) playing online games in a month. In China has risen to 33 million teenage Internet addicts, the Daily report said. Therefore, internet addiction has influenced a massive amount of unlicensed Internet Treatment Centers jumping up around China.


Last year, two web “boot camp” instructors were sentenced up to 10 years in prison. Because the instructor was beaten up to death a 15 year old boy at a treatment facility in the southern region of Guangxi. At rehabilitation center in east China got a testament, 14 youths staged a mutiny in June, 20011tying up their instructor and fleeing the facility over its tough military- like techniques, state media reported.


Finally, I want to get constructive remedy from my noobfeed fellows. I am pretty sure, Chinese authorities order won’t work authentically. What would be the main role of online game operators, in the context of CSR? Meanwhile, it creates a social problem in China as well as conflicting among the companies, authorities and experts. If they follow the Chinese authorities order, their business isn’t working anymore. From my point of view, I think, the Chinese authorities should ban all unlicensed internet treatment centers in nationwide. Otherwise the addicted people will be burden for such type of incidence.      

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  • Providing technical restrictions wont work. Reducing the communication gap between the parents and the children is the only key here. If parents are not bothered about this then I dont see any solution.

    Posted Feb 07, 2011

  • @Koshai - In that then perhaps the authorities should enlighten the non-caring parents... 

    Posted Feb 12, 2011

  • @Horgen123 is right....................

    Posted Feb 13, 2011

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