The Dark

By David_D, Posted 28 Jan 2011

I can smell them... they are near. They know I'm close, so they fear. I let them see me for an instant, they know I'm relentless, persistent, resistant. BAM BAM the lights go out, someone lets out a trembling shout. He shall be the first, to sustain my thirst for being scared the worst. They are unsure, terrified because they can not see. In the dark I shine, their most deadly enemy. Double bladed I shall clear this room, one by one I shall send them to their tomb. They want to hunt me, for me to be afraid, little did they know my plans were already laid. This won't be their day, getting in my way, to the grave they will stay. They try to track when their skills lack, they won't leave this room with their lives intact.

It's time, the first is drawing near, no idea that I'm slipping up from the rear. Clueless until he feels my breath upon his ear, then he will know the true meaning of fear. With a blade to the neck and the other in the liver, it's all over except for one last breathless quiver, now he knows who is the death giver. With a soft thud on the floor the others stop, knowing they are one less they are forced to progress. Wondering who is next on the list they call out my name, cursing me, trying to make me angry, to play their little game. I smile knowing I have just begun the fight, when it's dark as night, pitch black, it's not hard to get behind their back. So I sit tight for a little while, watching their antics and efforts of denile. They are cowards with everything they feel, it will be a pleasure introducing the others to my steel.

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  • I like reading your work, it gets my mind into the plot

    Posted Jan 28, 2011

  • This ain't anything about any game, is it David? ;P Probably your last 20 blogs were all about what games you are planning and what will you be playing. This one on the other hand is an interesting read.

    Posted Jan 30, 2011

  • @CaseyD @Sleven


    Thank you Casey, that's what I was going for. Sleven it's just a little something I wrote up describing my Riddick experience, and nothing about myself. It's not something I do often but I was in the mood and figured I would. It's not a poem obviously, but just a certain style of writing I do now and then and use a lot of rhym to help be descriptive and give it a certain flow instead of just normal writing. Chronicles of Riddick, Assualt on Dark Athena (which includes Butchers Bay) is the game I am currently playing, although I'm almost done with it I am thinking and will probably be started on Killzone 2 soon.

    Posted Jan 30, 2011

  • It reminds me of dark mythical stories, but more realistic to be named stories.

    Posted Jan 31, 2011

  • Then I must say it was pretty good. Everything about Riddick is awesome but it's bad that there won't be any sequel.

    Posted Jan 31, 2011

  • Well I'm glad both of you enjoyed them, it's not something I do often anymore, but every now and then I get in the mood for it so now if you see it then you will know what it is. :) Yes Sleven, it is sad that there isn't going to be another Riddick game, at least right now, because it was certainly a very good game and I wouldn't mind seeing more of them. :)

    Posted Jan 31, 2011

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