
By Davidpro, Posted 20 Jan 2011

I know all of you have done it, so don't lie. :P  Don't you just hate it though.  I'm dealing with the affects of procrastination right now; I'm having to stay up late to finish a mini project for my english class.  For some reason, I usually only procrastinate in classes I despise :P

Since this is a continuation of my procrastination, why don't you guys go ahead and give me a story of how procrastination bit you in the ass, so to speak.


(I will have the other blog up next time I have a little bit of time, but for now IT'S TYPING TIME!)

Good Night, Noobs!!!

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  • Hmmm last year when i was doing the project your doing now :P

    And one time i stayed up till 5 doing hw that was due the next day. I JUST finished and they called school off for snow... :\

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • Haha.  I hate this project :P , but I will admit, you warned me to do it earlier :P

    I wish school would be off tomorrow :P

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • i suffffer from Procrastination XD lol

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

  • Who doesn't! It's human nature

    Posted Jan 20, 2011

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