Apologies for my Absents

By GamerMC, Posted 16 Jan 2011

Hello my favoirte community of NoobFeed.  It's been pretty much a year I think since I have been on.  I really miss the website, and when I was on my mobile phone looking at Facebook I saw an invite to a Call of Duty Black Ops tournament.  So I thought, "Hey! Noobfeed, haven't been there in a while." So here I am, back at noobfeed.  I will be posting a couple reviews that I haven't posted here yet and hopefully I will be in the tournment, and I'll see you there!

Game On!

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  • hey good to see you back! :D

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • backops......amazing game.

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • Great that you're back :)

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • Where have you been mate? You were gone without any notice. Anyway, welcome back.

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • @Sleven - I've been going to college and working.

    Posted Jan 16, 2011

  • I'm happy that my hard work in facebook paid off by sending one old user back ;D You are most welcome to join the game nights.

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • @GamerMC : aha welcome back!!!

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • That's ironic but I've been doing the same thing too. But I still had time for my online buddies ;)

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

  • Apologize for stealing the 3000th blog from me :@ :P

    Posted Jan 17, 2011

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