WillX47's Vlog: The Fourth

By WillX47, Posted 06 Jan 2011

I know, another vlog so soon, what was I thinking? I wanted to do something different with the video blog, to try and make it suck less than the others :P, so this time we are doing it outside while walking around. Hope you like it :D


For some reason the sound is mono, I have no idea why it did this. I'm working on getting a fixed version, but untill then you can still watch what I have right now.


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  • That is a lot of grounds. The river part made me think of The Blair Witch Project btw.

    Posted Jan 06, 2011

  • @Daavpuke - Thanks, I like the place.

    I'm kinda suprised by the difference between the front camera and the back camera...I may need to find a way to shoot with the back camera more.

    Posted Jan 07, 2011
  • avatar RON

    That's a lot of land your family owns Will. Reminds me of my village. Obviously there is no snowing in there. haha Loved your dog btw.

    Posted Jan 07, 2011

  • Aren't you going to do ice skating or something like it in that awesome land?

    Posted Jan 07, 2011

  • Yet another wonderful video blog. You're really getting good at this!

    I want to start vloging eventually. Bought a nice little Flip video camera. :)


    Btw you guys have wonderful land. I don't know about anyone else but I love how forests look during the winter, nice and calm. 

    Posted Jan 07, 2011

  • I should ask my producer to check your blogs sometime. He will like the way you express.

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • SNOW!!! me wants

    yes, we CAN see the ice falling :P

    behemoth?! and whoa, he obeys you... mine are savages then :P


    when can i start packing my stuff to move in? it's huge (enough to use my bow :P ), it's beautiful, there's snow but not enough to make it a pain (apparently), and you live there. why am i still here? :P

    also... why does your family leave you alone so much? where do they go that you're forbidden to accompany? :P

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • @BrunoBRS - Glad you liked it. You can pack to come over anytime, but I'm not paying for the ticket :P

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • @Amaya - People keep saying I'm very expressive...I just never really thought about myself that way. I can see what you mean though :P

    Posted Jan 10, 2011

  • Beautiful indeed. I forgot you liked snow, sorry about that. Been a while it has. You know, for all the messed up stuff there is I tend to forget there are places like that. Our house in Virginia used to be backed by forest with neighbors widely distributed along this little patch of road that lined the backs of all the houses lined with forest. That forest has been turned into a mall, small businesses and shopping centers. I'm glad to know there's some nice open space up there though.

    Posted Jan 22, 2011

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