To the Border!

By David_D, Posted 05 Jan 2011

Ok, well I finished Fallout 3 last night and had today off. I did a little looking around on the boards but didn't have time for everything. I also watched the Oz Season 3 and 4 Netflix discs I had here at the house for almost 2 weeks to send them back and get some more. After all of that I just finished downloading all the DLC that came with the GOTY Edition of Borderlands and going to get an hour in on that tonight before going to bed for work tomorrow. I have this weekend off from work so if I get time I will finish catching up on the forums here before doing gaming. I'm happy I have this weekend off though because this will be the first time I've had 2 days off in a row in over a month thanks to the holiday season. I also plan on taking a long weekend off here soon but not sure exactly when, but I really need it to get caught up on some of the gaming I want to do.

For those wondering my thoughts though on Fallout 3 (Sorry I didn't have time for a video or a user review) and how much I liked it well... I liked it a lot. Probably one of my favorite all time games I have played. I loved every part of the game, and the few DLC packs I bought for it. Towards the end I encountered some glitches which the series is infamous for, but overall the game ran well and I only had a few freezes in around 130 hours of gameplay which is pretty good IMO. Also the game saves often and I kept a manual save as well so the few times it did freeze I didn't lose anything which took a lot of the frustration out as well, since I didn't have a corrupt file or lose a lot of things thanks to an in game freeze. But yeah, I loved the game, and if you want to ask me any specific questions on the game feel free to down below in the comments section. Otherwise I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and I'm off to get acquainted with Borderlands before going to bed for work. :)

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  • avatar RON

    More like a detailed version of your facebook status. haha. I told you so, didn't I? That you are going to like Fallout3. I recommend you to play New Vegas. It's more elaborate and HUGE compared to Fallout 3.

    One question in the end. Did you save the Wasteland in the end or saved yourself?

    Posted Jan 05, 2011

  • @RON

    Yeah, I plan on playing New Vegas after Borderlands since I already have that here at the house as well. But I'm playing Borderlands first for 2 reasons, one I hear New Vegas still has some glitching and freezing issues so I am giving them time to patch that up better and will take a look at the forums for the game and ask around once I finish Borderlands to see the status on that. Also though after 130 hours or so with Fallout 3 I'm just ready for something different haha although I did feel spoiled with V.A.T.S. Mode for Fallout, made combat easy but also I like easy and relaxed so that worked great for me. :)

    Now to answer your question, I saved the Wasteland and did the good Karmic Path for the game, although in the future I may just go back and do a shorter run on the evil side of things and polish up on some trophies with it although I never worry about that too much and for myself stressing over getting every single trophy for the game, and attempting to do that and focusing too much on trophies actually takes some of the enjoyment out of the game for me. I still enjoy getting them though and I think the game is worth going back for an evil run to see how that side of things is and going Enclave on everyone instead of playing Big Brother with everyone. :P

    Posted Jan 05, 2011

  • Play Borderlands online with your friends if you don't want to get tired of it. And, unlike Ron I recommend you to take some time before starting New Vegas. The game will take a lot of time and you might get bored.

    Posted Jan 05, 2011

  • Well, I did liked Fallout 3 but after 60% into the story. I have never played an RPG and since F3 has some FPS view I thought it was a good idea to give it a try. I don't regret playing the game but the slow pace that the story evolves gave me a bad time. I did completed the main story with all the side stories done, but after a long break. Unlike you, I don't have the DLC and I do not intend playing that game again.

    Borderlands did surprised me and for a good reason. I did enjoyed playing the game probably because it contains more action and the story can be completed in online cooperative mode. If you get stuck at a boss, you'll always have the option to play that level with others and beat the enemie. Also, you can trade your weapons for more powerful ones.

    If you invite me one day, I'll have all the pleasure playing with you.

    Posted Jan 05, 2011

  • You always play games and yet you are so busy and don't have time.

    Posted Jan 05, 2011

  • Did you meet the friendly super mutant? 

    Posted Jan 05, 2011

  • @Amaya @canana @Xiao @Horgen123

    Amaya - I rarely get bored of games but I agree, after 130 hours or so with Fallout 3 I was more than ready for something at least slightly different and now that I'm about 10 missions into Borderlands I am liking it and looking forward to getting a bigger space of time with it over with the weekend to get a true feel of what the game really has to offer.

    @canana - Getting stuck probably won't happen since it is a shooter for the most part, but the Co-op part would be nice if I did get stuck, otherwise I'll probably just be an XP hog and play the game alone having all the enemies for myself. Although yeah there is a lot more action so far in Borderlands than in Fallout 3. I miss the V.A.T.S. Mode of Fallout 3 though and after playing with that for so long it is taking me a little while to get used to more traditional shooter controls again.

    Xiao - Yes I play a lot of games, but really when it comes down to it I had to make a choice, either gaming or forums for now. I work 9 hours a day, then come home and do housework which takes another few hours at least. So please forgive me if after all of that I don't want to come read through forums, work on videos, and answer questions, that sort of thing and spend 3-5 hours on the site like I was doing and another 3 hours working on videos if it was a day off. Did I enjoy those things? Yes, but gaming is my passion, and the part of the day I look forward to the most after spending 90% of my day doing things I don't want to do in order to get that 10% that I want to do, and I'm sorry but I feel I am entitled to at least that. Do I wish I was here more? Yes, I miss being here, but not at the expense of not getting any down time for myself and getting burned out. I have my limits. For instance, it's almost 1:00 a.m. here, I've been up since 9:00 a.m. this morning and got only about an hour of game time in. I may have spent 130 hours on Fallout 3 but it took me over 2 months to get that much in. I can't do just 8 hours of work or school then come home and have at least 8 hours to relax and do what I want, if I did I'd be able to make daily time for here, but I don't and have to make choices and sacrifices.

    Horgen123 - Oh yeah, and he's a powerful Ally to have. For a while I had Star Paladin Cross and him on my side. I can't recall his name off hand though, but having a friendly Super Mutant on your side with a Laser Canon is always a big plus! :D

    Posted Jan 06, 2011
  • avatar RON

    It's more fun playing as an evil. There were conversations for which I laughed for minutes. Those sim people will swear you like anything.

    Posted Jan 07, 2011

  • You've finished fallout 3 pretty quick I must say. Are you sure you've been playing it only for few hours everyday?

    Posted Jan 07, 2011

  • @Ron @Sleven

    Ron - Yeah, someday I am sure I will play it through again as evil or maybe play New Vegas as evil instead of good since I'm sure they probably have a similar Karma system to the 3rd one. The Lady Killer perk is supposed to give you some pretty suggestive dialogue as well but I didn't use that perk and I might try it out on a future playthrough.

    Sleven - Yeah, I actually played it for over a month, was closer to 2 months although on days off I usually got in more than a few hours but between housework and errands I didn't really get any solid, uninterrupted game time with it.

    Posted Jan 08, 2011

  • Is there no PS3 version or Xfire? Or something similar that tells you the total number of hours passed in a game. @Daktary might has the answer in case if you don't know. He's a master of softwares.

    Posted Jan 08, 2011

  • @Sleven - I can tell when I started and when I finished by the save files I have for the game since I saved one the first night and the last night I played the game if you really want to know exact details and I'll also be able to tell from the saved file exactly how many hours I played it. If you really want such details PM me and I will get back to you sometime when I am not in game, since I am in game for Borderlands want now and would have to exit out to see it. If you don't see this by the time I am done with my session for the night then if I remember I will just go ahead and PM you with it anyways. :P

    Posted Jan 09, 2011

  • @David_D : i also loved the game. i am almost near the end of the game and I am also thinking of buying the DLC too. at least i can continue upto level 30. Borderlands is pretty big too. so you will have a pretty nice time!

    Posted Jan 12, 2011

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