Casual Gaming

By the_13th, Posted 16 Nov 2010

Okay I know what your thinking, its another blog about how "casual gaming" is either ruining or saving the game industry but you'd be wrong because to be frank this blog is more about how my own gaming habbits annoy the hell out of me. Let me start with a simple explination, I recently $1300 on a PC that can play games over a month ago and to date had probably spent less than 2 hours doing so. Infact It's probably been over a week since I played a damn game at all.

Now to me that just seems like idiocy so why do I continue to spend money on this stuff I hardly ever use? because its a great hobby to have that's why.

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  • Yes, it's another blog that you won't get any comments, why? You need to write more plus other things...

    Posted Nov 20, 2010

  • Just buy some good games mate. You'll find more times to spend on your precious rig ;)

    Posted Nov 20, 2010

  • Yeah I know its short, this one wasnt really designed to get the biggest amount of attention, more to vent my own frustration :P

    Posted Nov 21, 2010

  • lol seems like you like your frustration more than playing games :lol

    Posted Nov 21, 2010

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    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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