By Taylor, Posted 17 Oct 2010

Well i'm Taylor.
Just a normal guy who likes to game really, got to admit it, my favourite console has to be the xbox 360, but i respect the wii and PS3 a lot as well. They are both amazing consoles but the 360 has appealed to me personally as my favourite since it came out.
I feel it is my need to spread my opinion on the latest games out there, i mean i could spend all day shouting at a screen about how terrible it is but no one can here you scream :P. But hey thats just me really.

My current favourite game at the moment (and many haters will boo me for this one) is halo reach, yes i know you can call me sad all of you but meh i enjoy it and many will agree. Don't get me wrong i have plenty of other games in my top list Gears of War and Left 4 Dead being examples but at the moment reach is my number one.
College is my time killer currently and i must say playing games is about bottem of my to do list at the moment, but i find the time to have a good time with friends on games every now and then because wants the point in having a xbox if you don't use it thats what i say ;)
Well thats me really, thanks for reading
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  • Welcome to NoobFeed Taylor :D A lot of my friends are into Halo Reach now. Good to hear that you are enjoying it too.

    Posted Oct 17, 2010

  • Hello and thanks for introducing yourself via your blog! I don't really console game I am more of a PC gamer myself. That being said it's nice to see a console gamer who has respect for all the consoles and not just the one they choose to play on. :P

    I'm in classes as well right now and yes it is quite a time killer, but I still make time for my games of course. =D

    Hope you enjoy your stay here at noobfeed. ;)

    Posted Oct 17, 2010

  • Thanks guys its good to be apart of this site :), lol I love a good game on PC to, to be fair but i don't really have a gaming PC and have no money to buy one :( but hey thats life.

    Posted Oct 17, 2010

  • Hey, welcome to NoobFeed. Nice intro, now we all know a little bit more about you. I also like Reach, it is a really good game. I'm glad they put all of the features that have been spread across the Halo games into one package this time.

    Posted Oct 18, 2010

  • Thanks for joining Taylor :) It seems like we both share the same opinion about the 360 :D

    Posted Oct 18, 2010

  • :) thanks for the kind welcomes

    Posted Oct 18, 2010

  • Welcome aboard Taylor :)

    Posted Oct 18, 2010

  • Heya welcome to Noobfeed,

    As for halo reach- I have played a small bit of it online at my friends house- I am looking forward to be getting it next week-the college thing does cut out time for gaming-I know I just finished college a good while ago ( did play games when i got home though )-best of luck with your college course anyway

    Posted Oct 21, 2010

  • ;P ima  big fan of xbox too

    Posted Feb 13, 2011

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