Birthday !!!!

By faria, Posted 03 Oct 2010

Today is my birthday. Every year I try to spend this day like other normal days.


And this year my day started like other birthdays—lots of phone calls, text msgs, mails, fb wishes from my friends and family members. Nothing new. And I was a bit upset coz I expected some calls from some of my friends who didn`t.


But at night I got a surprise. A big surprise from my university friends who came with a cake, balloons, gifts, flowers for my birthday. Before this I thought I didn`t really like surprises. Because I am older enough to enjoy surprises. But I didn`t know there`s a child inside me who really enjoyed this things. Then went out for a dinner. It was a great day.


Today I feel good that I made some friends who really care for me, my happiness.


And that`s why I just wanted to share my feelings with my new friends at Noobfeed.. Today I was really happy.


Thnx for reading.

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  • Happy Birthday! It's always great to have a surprise in such special day. 

    Posted Oct 03, 2010

  • That was so nice! Happy birthday :)

    Now tell me where's my share of the cake ? :P

    Posted Oct 03, 2010

  • What kind of cake? Chocolate? please send me some through FedEx. Other flavors? Nuh I am dieting!!!

    Posted Oct 03, 2010

  • Happy Birthday :] 15 minutes before midnight here, before it's the 4th ;D

    Posted Oct 04, 2010

  • @ fetus zero : perfect timing.

    @ koshai : yaaa.chocolate cake and it was really yummy :P

    @ bizzy : thnx.actually i ate ur piece  ;)

    @ canana : thnx :D

    Posted Oct 04, 2010

  • you are so cruel :( :P

    DO NOT put any 'space' in between '@' & 'username' while mentioning someone. It doesn't work that way.

    Posted Oct 04, 2010

  • Happy birthday :D Glad to hear that you've had fun and your friends came to surprise you.

    Posted Oct 04, 2010

  • happy beladated!!! you are never too old for surprises. i should know very well.

    Posted Oct 04, 2010

  • @Dramus : thnx.

    @Sleven : thank u :)

    @biZZy : im not cruel :(

                     thnx for ur advice and now i did exactly what u said :)

    Posted Oct 05, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Maybe your friends called you and you didn't pick up. Or perhaps they called again and you couldn't talk because you were busy partying.

    Posted Oct 05, 2010

  • @Ron : if  those friends really have the intention to wish me den they should call me again.right???

    Posted Oct 05, 2010

  • Happy Birthday!!! Ow, c'mon, everybody likes pleasant surprises and if there's cake involved, the more the yummier :P

    Posted Oct 05, 2010

  • You are because you ate my piece :( Was it black forest?

    Thanks for doing so. This time all three of use got notified :) Always happy to help :)

    Posted Oct 05, 2010
  • avatar RON

    You never know! Maybe they were upset that you didn't have time to talk. But they never wanted to upset you, so kept quiet.

    Posted Oct 06, 2010

  • @Daktary : thnx.u r right.everyone likes surprises :)

    @biZZy : next tym i`ll give u 2 large pieces of happy??

                     thnx for ur help :D

    @Ron : dey were wrong.i always have tym for them but dey made me upset by staying quiet :(

    Posted Oct 06, 2010

  • So I will remember the day. Don't forget about the promise.

    I never forget and I never ever forgive.

    Posted Oct 06, 2010
  • avatar RON

    I guess they've settled the thing with you by now and you are happy again.

    Posted Oct 08, 2010

  • @biZZy : even if it`ll not possible to send u real cake,i will send u pictures o f  ur piece of  cakes :P

    @Ron : no comments.

    Posted Oct 08, 2010

  • Grrrr! I have lots of nicer pics of birthday cakes than yours :@ Gimme some real pieces!

    Posted Oct 08, 2010

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