Hey guys this is Jpower

Just checking in saying hi seeing how everything is going

I am doing fine for now just waiting to be called to work :lol:

How are you guys doing

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  • Welcome back! I am good, thanks for asking. :)

    Posted Sep 19, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Good to see you again :) Why haven't you visited us for so long?

    Posted Sep 20, 2010

  • Welcome back mate. I see you pretty active at gs. It's a shame that you didn't become active here :(

    Posted Sep 20, 2010

  • @canana: good to here that

    @RON: I been busy with this SSI crap

    @Sleven: yeah I am trying to get active on both sites really

    Posted Sep 21, 2010

  • Good to hear that. Hope to see you around mate :)

    Posted Sep 21, 2010

  • Im fine :)  Welcome back.

    Posted Sep 22, 2010

  • Nice to see you again! I'm doing fine, thanx for asking!

    Posted Sep 23, 2010

  • I'm not bad, could be better but work is starting to take a big hit now, we're starting to fall into the low season, but that's how it always is around October in the video games industry. Glad to hear that you're doing fine yourself :]

    Posted Sep 25, 2010

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