Rare Cactus Flower

By Daktary, Posted 16 Sep 2010

Hey guys! Short blog here as I don't have too much time on my hands. I have to take care of some loose ends right now(a small health issue and some exams) but I promise that I'll post an update blog in a few days(probably somewhere around next week), but until then I wanted to share with you guys a couple of shots that I made a few days ago of a rare cactus flower. The reason why the flower that you can see below is so rare is that this particular cactus only blooms every 7-8 years or so and the flower only last about half a day before it starts withering away.  So, because this isn't something you see very often I wanted to share this with you guys. Here's 5 shots that I've made(the rest look the same so there wasn't any point in uploading them). Hope you like them.







See you around!

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  • Rare flower. But too bad it only lasts for few hour. 

    Posted Sep 16, 2010

  • Its a rare delight!! I need to show this to my mom!!

    Posted Sep 16, 2010

  • Nice share mate. You are lucky to have such rare cactus.

    Posted Sep 16, 2010

  • wow!! It`s so amazing.

    I looked at the photos for quite a long time and thinking that there`s a similarity between this cactus flower and peoples lives. People’s lives are full of thorns and they rarely found happiness. And if they find it, it won’t last long :(

    Posted Sep 16, 2010

  • Nice share :D

    Posted Sep 17, 2010

  • @Amaya : Yup, it's a real shame

    @Koshai :

    @Sleven : np! Well, to a certain extent, yes, because this kind of cactuses have become a common site in stores in the recent years, but it takes a lot of time for them to grow and bloom.

    @faria : Quite, but don't get depressed about it. Even if the frail buttons are surrounded by a sea of thorns, they're waiting carelessly in their place for the sun to shine and let them come to full bloom

    Xiao : yw!

    Posted Sep 17, 2010

  • It's a amazing flower, then the added fact that it's only blooms once ever 8 years makes if even more so.

    Posted Sep 18, 2010

  • @WillX47 : yes it is :D

    Posted Sep 19, 2010

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