
By faria, Posted 01 Sep 2010

Faria here. I was dragged from nowhere to work for NoobFeed. I've recently finished my MBA from human resource management from the same university Ron did and he though I could be used the official works here.

I'm not a gamer. I'll have to be honest about it. I've always hated games and when I was convinced to start my work here, I was shocked seeing my self esteem level. lol. Well, I love music, movies, friends, food (chocolate) and my friends and family members. I look forward to make many more friends here too.
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  • So you are finally here!!! Welcome welcome!!! Glad to have you on the team. I guess I might have some games in mind that you may like hehehe!!

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • Welcome here faria :D Not sure what human resource means but sounds brong :P But I'm sure Ron knows better :)

    What kind of music do you like btw?

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • I right away thought that you were from Bangladesh. Good to have you here. Help us to grow the site :)

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • Welcome to the wornderful world of NoobFeed, it's not just games if you ask some of the older members. We can point you to things, and if we can't we'll find someone that can.


    Also welcome to the team. I'm Ricardo (known as Knight obviously) I'm on the marketing team so i've a feeling i'll be seeing you more.

    Posted Sep 02, 2010
  • avatar RON

    Welcome here Faria.

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • Welcome to the team! :)

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • Welcome.

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed :D I love chocolate too :D

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • Welcome to Noobfeed Faria and I'm sorry to hear that you don't like gaming but I'm sure there are many other types of entertainment that you do enjoy. Hope to see you around and also that your stay is an enjoyable one, best of luck here in the future at Noobfeed. :)

    Posted Sep 03, 2010

  • Hey its nice to meet you. Look forward to seeing you around the place. :) Welcome to the team.

    Posted Sep 03, 2010

  • Welcome to NoobFeed faria :D

    Posted Sep 03, 2010

  • Welcome to the Feed! You will be a great addition to the team.

    Posted Sep 03, 2010

  • Welcome to the wooooorld of tomorrooooow!

    I'm surprisingly glad to see an HR person who came out of university, probably because the HR department at my job isn't worth a dime lol. Either way, welcome and I hope you enjoy your stay despite not liking games. You can always bring forth the topics of your interests to replace the gaming, it's all good :]

    Oh and chocolate is good.

    Posted Sep 03, 2010

  • i like d number 13.and guess what??i`ve got xactly 13 comments .really xcited.

    @koshai : yaa.finally im here. i tried hard 2 escape but bcoz of ron i couldn`t make it.

    @sleven : hr is a boring thing.but i like boring things.

    @bizzy : im from bangladesh.where u from??

    @knight : hopefully u will see me more here.

    @ron : grrr.......

    @serbsta, domen, xiao, david_d, eliteedge, ilias, moroes : thnx every1 for ur support.

    @fetus zero : if u the interesting people s r with me dan im sure i`ll njoy working here........

    Posted Sep 05, 2010

  • Welcome aboard, Faria! Don't be bothered by not beeing a gamer. As long as you're not stubborn about it and don't start any flames because of it, there won't be any problems. :P

    Posted Sep 17, 2010

  • @Daktary : thnx.

    i am not a gamer and it doesn`t bother me at all.coz i donot find interest in gaming.

    Posted Sep 21, 2010

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