How to score with women

By CarbonFiba, Posted 31 Aug 2010

I will release 1 tip a day on how to score with women so, keep in touch!


Tip #1  Being o much of a Nice Guy.

Have you ever noticed that attractive women never seem to be interested in the "nice" guy?  Of course you have.  Just like me, I'm sure you've had attractive female friends who always seem to date "jerks"... but for some reason they never seemed romantically interested in YOU.

What's going on here?

It's actually very simple, women don't base their choices of guys on how "nice" he is.  They choose the men they do because, they feel a powerful GUT LEVEL ATTRACTION for them.

And guess what?

Being nice doesn't make a woman FEEL that powerful attraction.

And being NICE doesn't make a woman CHOOSE you.

I realize that this doesn't make a lot of sense, but guess what? GET OVER IT AND LEARN FROM IT.

Until you accept this FACT and begin to act on it, you'll NEVER have the success with women that you want.



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  • Interesting. I had the idea that girls like nice guys like me :P

    I have a question. Are you guy or a girl :P

    Looking forward to the next lesson.

    Posted Aug 31, 2010
  • lol what an idea to start blogging here :P Welcome mate :)
    Posted Aug 31, 2010
  • I am a guy who, has learned from past mistakes and teaches others
    Posted Aug 31, 2010

  • @CarbonFiba : @Sleven would definitle like this. keep on posting. make Sleven happy and we also can learn somehing from you too hehehe!!!

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • You are talking about certain type of girls. Not all girls want the same.

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • What do you determine with "nice guy" ?

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • Thats interesting on many levels. However, gut level isnt exactly the right word. Its more of a natural thing that happens with all species in which the male (alpha males if you'd like) are more prone to mating than say, the male that lounges around all day and doesnt do much of anything.

    see, girls love attention (even if they say they dont...its a natural instinct thing) so the jerk who draws attention to himself, is always the center of the crowd, outspoken and tends to be a total Ketsunoana are usually the ones girls are attracted to.


    In short, they are attracted to the attention level a certain individual can produce. and like Amaya said not all girls are attracted in this fashion. Evolution has changed much of what we normaly consider "instinctual"

    Just wanted to share a few thoughts. Other than those points, nice entry :)

    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • Aright, let's see how deep your experience vault goes ;)

    Posted Sep 01, 2010
  • Sorry fo no new post today I'll do it tomorrow and then every other day after that.
    Posted Sep 01, 2010

  • FYI, there are more female gamers here than men :P

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • Awesome

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • The banner and avy looks kinda cool. You owe me a thank, don't you :P

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • You seriously posted this? :P Well at least people are reading it lol

    Posted Sep 02, 2010

  • Soooooo, you decided to pass the torch then, so kind of you :P

    Posted Sep 03, 2010
  • I'm still writing my next one, its on Don`t try to Convince girls to like u.
    Posted Sep 03, 2010

  • so, we`ve  found a LOVE GURU (teacher) amongst us :P


    Posted Sep 12, 2010

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