Back from flying camp

By daxter223, Posted 18 Aug 2010

I spent 3 weeks flying all around quebec went up to koujiuac (still cant spell it properly) XD and back to montreal :D i also had the chance to make an f18 ride which was HELLA awesome ill try being more active here especially in the designer topic :) not that the other topics are boring but i just dont find the time ti post in all of them

btw how ya like ma new banner ?

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  • Welcome back. :) And I'm not good at making banners, sorry. :(

    Posted Aug 18, 2010

  • Sounds pretty darn cool mate.

    You could make us a new banner if you like, that incoporates noobfeed and maybe umm, fish... lol

    Posted Aug 18, 2010

  • Welcome back mate :D Nice banner too :)

    Posted Aug 18, 2010

  • I like your banner. Its colorful with that cute sackboy on the middle.

    Posted Aug 18, 2010

  • Sounds exciting, not many people get that oppertunity.

    Posted Aug 20, 2010

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    New Website!

    By JPPT1974, Posted Feb 24, 2013

    Hey I like the new banner. Just need time to get used to. Hope that you all are doing well. Blessings of March on the way!


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